Dry Kool Bloom all the way through flower


Active Member
I know that genhydro says to use the liquid KB for the first few weeks and then finish off with the powder KB. Does anyone just use a lower dosage of the dry KB all the way through flower, with good results?

They say the liquid KB has vitamins and steroids to help the plants uptake the extra PK nutes without stressing the plants too much. Will my Liqiunox B1 subtitute as the lube if I use a half dose of dry KB instead of the liquid?

It also says that the powder KB is for ripening, does that mean if I add it in the first few weeks my crop will fully mature way early.

Also what is the max amount of KB, tsp wise, some of you have used with out getting nute burn? And how much did you cut back on your base nutes. I'm using the lucas formula + B1 for my base.

Please give me your opinions. Much thanks


Active Member
I dont see how it could do any harm as long as its not giving them any nute burn.

no ones tried the dry kool bloom all the way through flowering before?
I haven't used Kool Bloom in a few years. However, back in the day they called it KaBloom and I used it from flip to finish along with the GH 3 part punch. I know chemy death weed. Make sure you flush well.
Understand this was back in the day and that was about the only bloom enhancer there was. I think there was some copyright infringement deal that GH had to change the name and hence you have Kool Bloom today.
Good luck with your grow.