Dry Nutes VS. Wet Nutes


Well-Known Member
just read that the GH Flora line of Nutrients is a trusted hydro nutrient package, for whoever was asking. I started with dry Rainbox Mix grow, has Guano, Castings, Seakelp etc. kinda hated mixing it with water, started using teabags but they ended up stinking so i'd throw out water no big deal, now i have an inch of sand ontop of my soil for my fungus gnats and i just mix the dry stuff in to the soil and let it release over time as i water.


Well-Known Member
I have used both and liquid works better IMO. When I would mix pow. they would sometimes clump up and not desolve all of the way even when mixing over and over again.
I like the fact that I can have a small L container with a pour top and use a broth injector to messure the amount called for. Easy and clean.
I also would think that the liq being water sol mixes 100% with the water so you know that your plants will get the same amount through out. I don't know how acc this is.

The other reason is the desolve issue, I did a test awhile back and placed a bag of pow into 2l soda bottle, I would shake it up over and over a time period and the pow is still not fully desolved.


Active Member
I'd like to take this to another level. Does anyone know whether synthetic chemical nutes kill benfeficial bacteria in soil? That's one thing that keeps me spendng more on Orgaic liquids.


Active Member
No you can use synthetic chemical nutes without damaging soil look at Dr Hornby's big bud!! I think NFT is the best..