Dry or not? Help

What's up everyone. I made a box (wardrobe box) to dry in. Thought it would be chill. They have been hanging for 3 days with my ceiling fan on moving air in the room. I cut a couples holes in the bottom on each side to allow for airflowThe bud is definitely dry (I smoked some) but the stems still bend over instead of snapping. What should I do? Also it crackles a little when I'm smoking it. Is this because it's not 100% dry? I flushed for 1 week. Thanks bro's


Well-Known Member
you have to give more information than that, like how long you've been drying and the humidity and temp of the box. But the short answer is no. I the stem still bends it's not dry enough. Also you'll want to cure it before you smoke it. Look up drying and curing.
They have been hanging for 4 and a half days with my ceiling fan on moving air in the room. humidity 40 - 50. box temp is around 70-80 max. thanks. i put em in paper bags to dry more, gonna jar them again tonight and see how that works. large dense bud is still hanging, probably jar it tomorrow. thanks