drying and curing question


Active Member
so about a week ago i pulled a cpl branchs and trimmed them up for drying. after about 5days or so said bud was dry and put it into a mason jar. now it has that hay smell so i am trying to figure out how not to get that grass/ hay smell. i think part of it if not all is that i trimmed immediately after i cut the branchs off and that caused it to get that cholorphyl smell or what not or it was combo of that and maybe buds being premmie. so i was wondering or going to attempt to wait till this batch is dry before trimming and see what happens if i get that smell, or i am just harvesting early. but when i was trimming the 1st batch it smelled so frickin good like all citrusy and lite skunk smell, it smelled good, so i am currently letting the plant go longer, and waiting to trim these cpl other twigs. so where do some of you think i might have screwed up on getting that hay smell?


Well-Known Member
if it's dried too quickly it usually will smell like hay. it also could be due to the premature harvest, but most likely dried too fast imo.


Active Member
it might also just depend on the strain. sometimes it will smell like hay at first but after a couple weeks curing the smell will come out.


Well-Known Member
It smells like hay because it was dried too fast which left clorophyl in the plant which is what you smell.


Active Member
cool, thanks for the replies. i wont run a fan on it while drying, usually my house stays @ roughly 70 degrees maybe 68-69 since its getting cold, think the fan might've dried to quick. what is the best way to dry, i've heard 70degree or so, and should it be in complete dark as well or does it really matter? sorry in advance if i asked a question or 2 thats rpolly been asked a bunch.


Well-Known Member

this in in my cupboard, i hang for 2-3 days with no fan and very little airflow the door is very slightly ajar.
open the doors fully twice a day and just give them a little blow so they move about slightly then close the doors again to the way they were.
after 2-3 days when the moisture level has come down slightly i close the cupboard doors all together, i still open them twice a day just to make sure there is no mould etc.

after 7 days they should be feeling dry to the touch and the stems snap but dont completely break off, that is the time to jar and burp them every day for a week or two. this is my own method and it works for me.


Active Member
awesome thx yeah, i am using a cupboard type deal atm for mine as well, some other branchs i had. cool will try this as well, thx again for the help all.


Well-Known Member
I hung mine in an open closet and had the overhead fan in the room on. in 3 days the outside was crispy so I jarred. Still has the hay smell, but the longer it's in the jar, the less of it I smell. Curing is supposed to use up all the clorophyl.

Although I'd think you wouldn't want the air around the drying buds to be stagnate, at least in my experience having a fan blowing air around too much seemed to dry them too fast. Next time I won't use one