Drying and Curing using vpd


Well-Known Member
You're making me think that even if I can't afford to get my drying temps down below 66F (edit) I should be trying to increase my atmosphere's rH above 60% to target a vpd of .8kpa instead of targeting 60% rH. It would seem I would probably need to increase my atmosphere's rH whereas what you are doing is lowering your rH because yours are in a wine cooler. I'd still lose terpenes but maybe minimize their losses and maximize chlorophyll losses if the dry completes in 9 days in other words not too slow not too fast. I take it you keep the door shut and don't swap in O2 in while you are drying? Is that right?
Yes for the most part, I do not intentionally open the door to exchange air. But the door gets opened to check for moisture level activity with the moisture meter, and for general observation. And I did flip the trays from front to back to insure more balanced drying once during the 9 day cycle. The two trays with cutouts for dehumidifier, I just moved the flower that was in the front to the back and vise versa. This may have been totally unnecessary, but I am anal sometimes. That temp should be below 70 if possible, because terpene preservation is one of the priorities of this method. The Koolatron like the Cannatrol, provides a controlled enviroment which would really be hard to achieve in a tent or a room(unless you can completely seal it). That is the main take away. And what I present here is for the purpose of using the Koolatron as a tool, not for any other situation even tho it may apply.
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Well-Known Member
You're making me think that even if I can't afford to get my drying temps down below 66F (edit) I should be trying to increase my atmosphere's rH above 60% to target a vpd of .8kpa instead of targeting 60% rH. It would seem I would probably need to increase my atmosphere's rH whereas what you are doing is lowering your rH because yours are in a wine cooler. I'd still lose terpenes but maybe minimize their losses and maximize chlorophyll losses if the dry completes in 9 days in other words not too slow not too fast. I take it you keep the door shut and don't swap in O2 in while you are drying? Is that right?
Here are some tools I use to calculate for my environment.