drying and smoking leaves!?


Active Member
Ok so im starting over with my grow! I still have my plant that i ripped out its got alot of leaves and it has a scent. So what can i do with it? how to dry it? Can i make brownies with it? smoke it?


Well-Known Member
you can make hash oil... get some 91 or 99% rubbing alcohol and mix it a container with dry leaf and shake for 1 min. strain through coffee filter into a pyrex dish. let the alcohol evaporate and scrape the oil resin.


Active Member
you can make butter, or oil out of it too.

You can make hash the way beast said alo, or bubble hash i think.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't waste my time personally. You will get little or no buzz just from the leaves, no matter what you do with them. Peace


Active Member
Jim does have a point, you CAN make decent hash or butter from your leaves, if they are crystally leaves. NOT FAN LEAVES (they dont have much to offer)

Smoking them will do nothing but hurt your lungs, give you a headache, and make you feel stupid. lol


Well-Known Member
I have admitted it before and for me personally, if I have no bud I can smoke leaf and get comfy. I put them in a baggies and crunch them a bit when fresh. Leave for 24 hrs and air dry. It ain't wonderful, but it ain't hideous either. I have had dirt weed that was worse.