Drying buds got SOAKED


Active Member
A hose exploded in my drying room. All of the hanging buds got soaked. What should I do?

Right now I have a fan blowing on them (on low) and I put the dehumidifier in the room. I normally keep the humidity right at 50%, but I obviously need to get these things dried up a bit. the leaves are literally drenched. Most of the buds have only been drying for a few days.

btw - i trim AFTER the dry, so there are lots of wet leaves.



Active Member
I think as long as you keep good ventilation in the room then it should be fine. Better to have it too dry in the long run then have it mold on you.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Right now I have a fan blowing on them (on low) and I put the dehumidifier in the room. I normally keep the humidity right at 50%, but I obviously need to get these things dried up a bit. the leaves are literally drenched. Most of the buds have only been drying for a few days.
btw - i trim AFTER the dry, so there are lots of wet leaves.
first, your rh of 50% is too high. right now, keep the rh as low as you can. if you're running a humidifier, turn it off. second, trim now. ordinarily, you shouldn't have a fan blowing directly on the buds, but for now, leave it on. trichomes are not going to be effected by the water, but the rest of the plant will/can absorb water. feel the buds to see if a lot of moisture has been absorbed. if not, in 24 hrs. i'd return the fan to just circulating the air around the room.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about water curing but you might want to look into that if you think it's gonna be fucked


Well-Known Member
it will be fine, make sure you have a fan blowing around air by the buds but not blowing directly at them, bounce the wind pressure off a wall or something. budrot/mold isnt fun, the fan is very important