Drying buds in a hot climate, crispy after 2-3 days.



Iv'e havested 3 days ago and hung to dry, apparently the humidity was too low and temps were abit high do to the climate im living in, around 90 degrees over here. So I had the A/C on that caused my humidity going low to around 40, with temps at around 84. My plant has lots of airy buds that were crispy after 2 days and easy to smoke. Dense ones dryed to the top about now. So to maintin the left humidity they might be able to give I put them into a curing jar so it will slower the dryness.

Wierd thing is , buds that i put into curing 1 day ago is feeling less crispy now than it did before, making me feel that they aren't that dry anymore.

I'm feeling abit low in information about the process and if drying goes to quick is it better to start curing after 2-3 days so it will maintain somewhat of humidity?


Active Member
Same here the weather here in LA was mid 90's when I harvested my plants they dried in 3 days I put them in jars n they felt all fluffy the next day so I dumped them n put them in a brown paper bag for one day then put them back in the jars the next day they felt a little denser..


Well-Known Member

Motamota the buds dry on the outside and stay moist in the middle. They feel crisp but there is a lot of water. When they're put in bags or jars where the water isn't constantly evaporating from the bud's edges - osmosis transfers moisture throughout the bud. This is a the natural drying and curing process you'll go through - dry until crisp on the outside, bag until moist and soft. Download the harvesting and curing chapter of Weed Science, there's more there.
i had the same prob on my last harvest they would hang for almost 3 days at about 78 with 30% hum. they felt light and crispy in no time. cut em off the branch and put them in jars, when i burp them tomorrow if they are spongy ill put them in a paper bag for 12 to 24 hours then back to the curing jarsDSCN0727.jpgDSCN0755.jpg