Drying/Curing Confusion!


Active Member
After reading the GrowFAQ and watching several grow videos I have noticed that methods for drying and curing seem to vary greatly. The GrowFAQ says to cut the entire plant at its base and let it dry upside down in the dark with monitored temp and humidity, then later trimming the fan leaves and such. Some of the videos suggest cutting the plant into individual stalks and doing all the trimming immediately. I understand the importance of letting them dry first, then moving them into airtight containers to cure, but my question is for those who have actually harvested before: What do you do? Hang the whole thing? Trim it immediately? Advice is greatly appreciated!!

Mr. 420

Active Member
I found that if you cut off the branches in managable pieces and then trim off the large fans leaves and trim the secondary leaves right away its alot easier to do so right away. I've tried letting the whole thing dry and then manicure but i'll tell you this.. this way takes longer to dry cause theres so much more leaves present....also it makes the nugs lose a little in quality cause you'll be handling them and trimming leaves when they are already curl in towards the bud is alot harder then when its done when its fresh and the leaves are pointed out still..


Active Member
That's a really good point. I hadn't even thought about how handling them dry could affect potency. Thank you very much for your input. :D


Well-Known Member
i cut it in branches, trim the leaves off and hang the branches on hangers in a closet with a fan running on low in the bottom of the closet pointing at the wall NOT THE BUDS


Well-Known Member
i cut all the stalks off , trim leaves, i dont hang mine, i sandwitch them between window screens, position that on saw horses with a fan blowing on the wall about 10 feet away ina 70 degree room, i dont hang cuz it seems to make it taste veggie, but thats just me