Drying in a dry climate?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and have a rather bountiful harvest coming up. Outdoor, organic, and the plants are around 5 1/2 to 6 1/2' tall with lots of branches. I seem to be vascillating with regard towards the best way to dry. It's about 10 to 35% humidity here, depending on the time of day so it's easy to dry too fast. I have been experimenting with drying methods but will require a fairly sizable area and really can't swing a big expensive drying area. I was thinking of numerous 31 quart plastic containers or maybe using my closet with a plastic sheeting to help maintain a more consistant humidity level. My room is now down to a high of about 82 and a low of high 70s but this week there will be a cooling off of 5-10 degrees so that's good. I do have a hygrometer somewhere, just need to dig it out.

Any input would be most appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Oh, the drying in containers seems to reduce weight at about 10%+ a day (yes, I weigh them every day) with opening for a very short time about 4 times daily. Too little, too much?


Well-Known Member
I'm in Phoenix, nothing you can really do about it except try and put a humidifier in your room, just deal with it dude keep an eye on those buds and feel them every day until they are "dry to the touch" I usually get dry 5-7 days sometimes a lil' longer.