Drying issues


Well-Known Member
My friend is having an issue drying his plants in a garage. The garage has 2 large garage doors and 1 smaller wooden door. Would using a dehumidifier for 2 or 3 days(and moving it around the garage to make sure it serviced the plants evenly) would be fine without over drying them? The weather is very damp, cold, and rainy here right now and we are afraid they might mold if left unattended - it is all seperated and hung up but it has been 5 days and it is still very wet, it is taking longer than he is comfortable with and he wants to give them a little help - any input would be appreciated.

Thank you - Ryan


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the ideal drying time is actually 7-14 days so 5 days is pretty good, gonna be some great smoke once cured!

However if they're in the garage the rainy damp weather is likely going to be a problem. Before that happens though, get yourself a gauge so you can always know your temps and humidity. Once you know that, then you can plan before it becomes a problem. So if the humidity is already pretty high you might wanna get yourself a dehumidifier and see how that works and document the results. Depending on your results you may need one more dehumidifier or you may need to go into the room every so often and turn it off at intervals. At least that's how I'd approach it, I'm sure someone more experienced will have more to say on the subject than I can!

Just be sure to constantly check them and keep the separate. With enough vigilance you should be fine. Best of luck to your buddy :)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the ideal drying time is actually 7-14 days so 5 days is pretty good, gonna be some great smoke once cured!

However if they're in the garage the rainy damp weather is likely going to be a problem. Before that happens though, get yourself a gauge so you can always know your temps and humidity. Once you know that, then you can plan before it becomes a problem. So if the humidity is already pretty high you might wanna get yourself a dehumidifier and see how that works and document the results. Depending on your results you may need one more dehumidifier or you may need to go into the room every so often and turn it off at intervals. At least that's how I'd approach it, I'm sure someone more experienced will have more to say on the subject than I can!

Just be sure to constantly check them and keep the separate. With enough vigilance you should be fine. Best of luck to your buddy :)
For the last 3 years he has needed it for the plants drying in there. He got a really good one and with it running it takes 5 days of it running in a small room for the plants to snap(when it rains it gets very damp and it started raining this morning) He has used it before with good/bad results(Some plants dried faster than others but he had it in for 5 days) So I do not know what the temp or humidity and I know he would be checking it every 3 or 4 hours unless he was sleeping(that is how often he has to empty the tray)