Drying leaves and extreme yellowing before harvest

Dyers Maker

Active Member
Quick question, i am a week away from harvest but as of today two of my plants are showing some extreme leaf drying and yellowing(the yellowing dosnt worry me that much, im guessing normal N deficiency from flowering)
Any ideas on what to do? Should I just harvest a week ahead?



Well-Known Member
My fans yellow bad too and also some of the leafs close to the tops start to dry out and act like they are dead. I just wait until my trichs are the right color and ignore the leaf issues. Sounds like you are close but check you trich color before you chop.


Active Member
can you post some pictures, yellowing (and death) of fan leaves and such around harvest is common b/c the plant is depriving the leaves of N. being so close to harvest i would say your fine, but post some pics just in case.


Active Member
the reason the leaves are turning is because you are flushing the plant of all nutrients and it is basically taking all the "food" from the fan leaves ... so you guys are all good

Dyers Maker

Active Member
Both of them where grown under a 200w hps 12/12 from seed.

The elongated one is Strawberry Cough and its about 2' tall

The shorter one is Buddha and its 1' tall

Fox farms trio for nutes

Dyers Maker

Active Member
In 3 weeks i aleredy knew which where male and female plus around 8 weeks of flowering . In the end its been 3 months. Monday they will go into darkness for 3 days and down they go.

Next batch i still havnt decided if il go 12/12 again or just get 3 huge plants and try some techniques like pinchin.y