drying out buds?????


I need some info on drying out buds i just harvested my plants last night and the place i live at and i have kids im not able to dry out my buds in the house by hanging them up is there any other ways that i can dry them out so they will still be good smokeable pot i dont want to do none of that quick dry shit like the oven or microwave i want to dry them out correctly so i could please use some help thanks guys:weed:


Well-Known Member
You can easily get a couple of cardboard boxes - tall one prefered. Take a string of some kind and stick it through sides of boxes so that it goes all the way through. Use one big string and continue to make more hangers - depends on your box size. Make a tennisball sized hole in each end of the box. Now you can have more boxes on top of each other. You could keep a fan on one side of the boxes. Don't know if that could be an option for you.
Works like a charm.


appreciate the help guys what about putting them in a brown paper bag checking and rotating them every once in a while!


Well-Known Member
Brown paper bag works fine. Just open it up a couple of times per day and shake it up. Many times I start the drying process by hanging, but I finish in a brown paper bag. Sometimes I dry the entire thing in a brown paper bag.


Well-Known Member
appreciate the help guys what about putting them in a brown paper bag checking and rotating them every once in a while!
this will not work, the buds will just sit there to fester and mold. the buds need air circulation to dry them out properly and evenly. i use drying screens, basically just window screen framed out with some 1x that i stick in a cabinet that has an extraction fan pulling air up from the bottom of the cabinet through the screen shelves and out the top. this also helps to dry quicker as all the buds get removed from the stem and placed on the screen...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
It's better to put some shredded up pieces of corrugated cardboard in the paper bag with the buds. Keeps air flow really high and helps dry them evenly by increasing the absorbent surface area. I usually do this with my less desired popcorn nugs and they dry very quickly and are ready for "testing" purposes a while before my hanging buds. Just give the bag a good stir with your hand every day, or a few times a day, and in 4 or 5 days you'll notice that most everything is dry.

Keep them indoors though, tucked away somewhere, the temperature needs to be pretty constant over 70 for the drying to go right.


Well-Known Member
this will not work, the buds will just sit there to fester and mold. the buds need air circulation to dry them out properly and evenly. i use drying screens, basically just window screen framed out with some 1x that i stick in a cabinet that has an extraction fan pulling air up from the bottom of the cabinet through the screen shelves and out the top. this also helps to dry quicker as all the buds get removed from the stem and placed on the screen...
your nuts it works great.


Well-Known Member
your nuts it works great.
:-P your nuts, it works great for finishing off after you pluck the buds from the stem, but to dry evenly circulation is essential .especially with some nice dense nuggies:weed: pop corn is fine for paper bags i guess


Well-Known Member
no they dont really, alot of comercial growers dry the plants whole and in cardboard boxes with newspaper and such inbetween the plants. this takes alot longer but it works well. i believe the cardboard aids in sucking the moisture from inside the box? not sure about that, i have done it this way and i liked the outcome. and yes my nugs were very dense.


So after i finish drying my buds i need to put it in a airtight jar such as a baby jar is that correct if so then how long do i need to keep it in the airtight jar for!!!


Well-Known Member
Just keep it in the air-tight jar for as long as you can wait. Give it at least a month to start tasting why you do this. If you wait for like 5-6 months you'll discover that taste has improved a lot. Even potency gets better when cured properly.