Drying Outdoors For Us Who Cant Indoor


Well-Known Member
im thinking bout building a little box with a fan ran by battery, or with mesh like siding so air can get in there, what else do i need to think about to set this up, i have a very forested area to do it in, theres pretty much no chance of someone finding it, i just need some suggestion as what to do, thanks


Well-Known Member
Lucky you! lol:blsmoke:

lol not really im in the middle of refurnishing my townhours, completely gutted and putting in upgrades, which leaves me living with my buddy in a condo, where its mostly old rich white people, im kinda stuck. hopefully my house is somewhat useable by october :cry:

durban poison

Well-Known Member
lol not really im in the middle of refurnishing my townhours, completely gutted and putting in upgrades, which leaves me living with my buddy in a condo, where its mostly old rich white people, im kinda stuck. hopefully my house is somewhat useable by october :cry:
Sending my best, buddy! :joint:


Active Member
I'm facing a similar problem, don't have a place indoors to do the dirty work... or wait the dirty work is over with, riiiight. Let me know if you find a solution Monsieur Pyrex.


Active Member
a few friends of mine ended up just hanging them upside down in a cardboard box in his car, the made sure he was in the shade with open window of coarse. you could sun dry it, which will prolly give your bud a real Golden tan, but i wouldnt recommend that. after harvesting the buds you always want to keep sunlight away from them, they will for sure loose potency the longer they are. i'd dry anywhere dark and dry until the branch snaps when i bend it, then i put it in tuperwear stiring them around every few days.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion: big ass tupperware with a carbon scrubber. Put that in your closet and you'll be fine. Unless you're drying more than a lb of oregano at once, you should be fine. You can see the "herb dryer"s on ebay, but u can also just buy/make a scrubber and throw it in a $6 tupperware. Easy installation, you're drying inside so no sun/animals/people, plus no smell with the scrubber. GL


Active Member
Yea i'd say really check the weather, if it gets to cold in the morning and they get dew or anything it will definintly rot, it needs to be real dry. i'd get several brown paper grocery bags and fill them like half way and then hide them some place dry.


Well-Known Member
put the collie inna paper bag half full and leave it open shak it round three times a day....or put the collie in one of those cardcoard boxes u use to pack when uii move


Well-Known Member
get a bunch of pizza boxes lay bud inside put them in a black trashbag seal it up leave for 5 days. cardboard sucks out moisture. bags keep boxes dry evenin rain


Well-Known Member
i got a plastic rubber maid and put some damp rid at the bottom and hung my plants in it. I stuck a fan in and hung the plant with some chicken wire fence humidity is almost non existent.


Active Member
how much is able to fit in one rubbermaid/ what size is it? If a rubbermaid could only fit 1lb it would seem much easier to bring something which could be assembled as opposed to 20 rubber maid bins, no?

Im talking about dry weight^^


Well-Known Member
iv seen some decent sized rubber maids that are really long perfect to fit some decent bud just use more damp rid


Well-Known Member
I am going to do this too, I was thinking metal mesh for drying, in a box with maybe a tarp over it maybe some holes in the box so as to get some airflow in there, then take them inside for curing depending on how much I get, if I was curing in airtight glass jars and when burping would the whole room smell dank?


Well-Known Member
get a bunch of pizza boxes lay bud inside put them in a black trashbag seal it up leave for 5 days. cardboard sucks out moisture. bags keep boxes dry evenin rain
wouldn't they absorb the taste of pizza....pepperoni kush:blsmoke:


Active Member
wouldn't they absorb the taste of pizza....pepperoni kush:blsmoke:
lol. all I have to say. or not.... I should cut a deal with some neighborhood pizza shop to push my 'pizza' dried product + advertising their pizza shop. After their first toke they'll be smellin' that pizza and with that advertisement in their face will be 100% for Charlie's Pizza, at least I would be :joint:


Well-Known Member
I think what I'm going to do is some how hang a tarp up like a lean-to and hang the plants there then for curing put in glass jars in my house somewhere where it won't stink or have a really good friend help me with the curing.