drying problem please helpp

i cut down about 2 days ago and on its 2nd night drying it started to grow like white fuzzy mold on some of the buds .. this morning the rh was at 88 out there maybe from all the rain we have been gettin here in jersey but its horrible at least 4 ounces are almost covered in it .. is the bud still ok ??? i just threw an extra fan in there .. temps at like 72 and rh is at 88 shit sucks but yea any help would be great and let me know if the ones that have the mold on it are still ok or not ill vaccume that shit off foreal
not all of it is covered which is weird

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i am not sure i even want to post :(

you need to have a dehumidifier in there.

i personnally would get rid of anything with mold on it or its just going to keep spreading. at that temp and humidity, you have a breeding ground for mold. i wouldnt of thought it would set in that bad in just 2 days.

as far as fresh cut plants, i will let them hang for a couple days at around 65% humidity and then start lowering slowly every day. but every situation is different and you have to go by the looks and the feel of the buds to know what to do.

in your situation, i would clip mold areas and discard. and lower the humidity way down to like 40 or 45% until the outside of the buds start to dry. probly would even clip the buds off the main stem and clip individual buds away from thick stems that make up large buds. its going to dry fast though but you may not have a choice.

i hate to tell you to discard your bud though. are you sure its mold? can you post some pics?


Active Member
1st off, love the name.

You do NOT want to use any moldy buds for anything, get rid of that shit asap. If a whole bud is covered, get rid of the whole thing. If it's just in spots of the bud cut out the bad parts, go alittle past the moldy spots to make sure you got it all.

Depending on how well you manicure your buds before drying you may or may not have noticed the mold earlier, it seems to work its way from the inside out.

So do what you got to and get rid of all visibly moldy stuff. Once that's done, start checking whatever's left. It might involve mad handling the buds some to open em up and look towards the stem but it sounds like what you're gonna need to do in order to make sure it doesn't come back.

All this rain is really a bitch. Sorry to hear about the mold, good luck.
well at first i did get rid of some parts before i put on a rack and yea ima just cut everything off the stem idk why i didnt think of that thnksss and yea the names perfect lol got some people that hate it out there but i dont care i dont fistpump at all trust me im the dude dancing with the drinks in his hand lol foreal but yea anyway thanks for the help and its got to be mold its the white fuzzy look idk if its actually mold but what else could it be uk it dissapears when you touch it .. but obviously it just goes into the bud lol idk ill chop some more off prob lose a zip cause its just lil like .5 lookin nugs with it so if i clip them off itll prob spread more but fuck it im bout to whipe it mic it and boil it and make some moldy brownies lol i can see food poisen comin to me real soon .. ne one in jersey area ? pa ny cause yall know wat im talking bout with this rain and humidity .. my attic is only 76 rh so maybe ill move them and its cooler up there alot cooler ..