Drying problems


The tent is at 45 rh at 18 to 20 celcius. Im trying to keep the rh around 50 so what ive done is set the timer on the extractor to run every 15 minutes. This is allowing the humidity to raose to 51 % then when the extractor is on the rh goes back down to 45%. Will this process be okay? Ive got a very small desk top clip on fan circulating air constantly.
Also the plants are very big and ove hung them as they are whole. The buds are going to be touching will this be a problem? Thanks for yoir time
I keep my sealed drying area at 60% RH with a controller and a humidifier and I get perfect bud every time. I would recommend you increase your humidity, some might do it differently but that's how I do it, good luck
So does that mean my process isnt going to work? I cant really up the humidity, unless my last option is to buy some gaffa tape tomorroe and use my 4" fan instead of my 6" hooked up to my carbon filter. Will that help?
So does that mean my process isnt going to work? I cant really up the humidity, unless my last option is to buy some gaffa tape tomorroe and use my 4" fan instead of my 6" hooked up to my carbon filter. Will that help?
Sure it can work, I mentioned many people dry differently, that's just how I dry. There's a huge curing and drying section here with a lot of information, I would read there for a while if I were you and get a better understanding of exactly what you're trying to accomplish in your drying. And don't be discouraged if don't get it perfect your first time, in my opinion drying and curing is kind of Alchemy, at least until you have done it a few times.
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I keep my sealed drying area at 60% RH with a controller and a humidifier and I get perfect bud every time. I would recommend you increase your humidity, some might do it differently but that's how I do it, good luck

you using an inkbird to control yours BW?
So i mean if i cure correctly and with the rh averaging out at 47.5% will it be okay? I mean okay as in when cured its not gonna smell like fucking shit :d. Its gorilla x skilttles and blue gelato 42. Both barneys farm. Sorry if my spellings off im a lil drunk cd
Plant looks real nice.

I think you're humidity is fine, especially with that temp. That's where I strive to be. I wouldn't let the humidity go much higher.

If it were me, I would trim all the fans and get some wire coat hangers or something similar. Bend the end around one branch, pull the other apart and wrap the coat hanger around it to space them out.

With the tall, skinny plants you don't have to do it, but with the short, bushy one it helps prevent rot or mold. As long as you don't have the fan blowing in it, it will dry fine for you.

Nice job, great harvest.
Also will i get any bud rot from them touching?? Heres a pic

You will not get bud rot from them touching. they would have to be smashed up against enough other for that to occur.

1st piece of advice... relax. it's not as hard or as defined of a process as you're thinking it is. you're gonna get a nice slow dry because you did a whole plant hang... that is a great start. I would remove those big shade leaves as another poster mentioned to increase airflow. your goal should be to lose as much moisture as possible in the first few days (without overdoing it) to prevent contamination. after that you want to process to go nice and slow for another 5-10 days. your RH of 45% is totally fine. it will still dry slow enough no problem. once the smaller buds start to snap away from the main stalks, your bigger nugs should start feeling hard and dry on the outside, but still flexible on the inside. this is the point where you want to start finishing your drying in jars. get a small hygrometer that you can put in the jar (inkbird makes a nice one). anytime you go over 65%, air out the material. the first few times that'll require emptying the jar and just letting get back to feeling dry, then back in it goes. repeat until humidity stabilizes around 60%. for long term storage, 55%.
Thankyou everyone for your kind and EXTREMELY helpful comments. I will stick to this regime then, one last question, i have the air extractor turning on and off every 15 mins which takes the humidity up to 50 before bringing it back down to 45, this seems like a great idea in my trail of thought? Eould you reccommend continuing at that? Also i will take the fan leaves off tonight and do exactly as youve all said
You will not get bud rot from them touching. they would have to be smashed up against enough other for that to occur.

1st piece of advice... relax. it's not as hard or as defined of a process as you're thinking it is. you're gonna get a nice slow dry because you did a whole plant hang... that is a great start. I would remove those big shade leaves as another poster mentioned to increase airflow. your goal should be to lose as much moisture as possible in the first few days (without overdoing it) to prevent contamination. after that you want to process to go nice and slow for another 5-10 days. your RH of 45% is totally fine. it will still dry slow enough no problem. once the smaller buds start to snap away from the main stalks, your bigger nugs should start feeling hard and dry on the outside, but still flexible on the inside. this is the point where you want to start finishing your drying in jars. get a small hygrometer that you can put in the jar (inkbird makes a nice one). anytime you go over 65%, air out the material. the first few times that'll require emptying the jar and just letting get back to feeling dry, then back in it goes. repeat until humidity stabilizes around 60%. for long term storage, 55%.
At what point would you reccommend trimming the plants?? Before i put in jar??
At what point would you reccommend trimming the plants?? Before i put in jar??
You want to trim any non trich stuff before you jar. You can do the full trim before you jar or while you’re curing, it really doesn’t matter. I cure with sugar leaf still on all the time because I don’t have time to trim it all at once. People who say it makes your bud taste like hay... it’s a myth. Good luck!
Okay so im on my 5th day of drying, at the ends of all the buds theyre going very dry almost crumbly, whilst the other matter is still wet and deffo not dry yet, the stems for the buds arent exactly snapping yet either. My question is should i wait for the snapping and not worry about the dryness of the tips right now? It just seems as though the lower popcorn buds arent going to be dry at the same time the bigger nugs are. What should i do?
I keep my sealed drying area at 60% RH with a controller and a humidifier and I get perfect bud every time. I would recommend you increase your humidity, some might do it differently but that's how I do it, good luck

What temps are you guys using?