Drying Question


Well-Known Member
If you have a fan on the bud constantly i know that is no good cuz they will dry to fast and the chloryphil wil be locked inside the nugs. (correct me if im wrong)

But i am working with a 8 foot by 5 foot wooden room (all cedar lined, and its real dry in there) I have a fan in the room pointing away from the buds just to keep air moving in the room. Yet my buds are drying super fast, like 4 days and they are crispy. Also i am finding that some strains taste really bad and have been curing for a while now, almost completley dry . I am just wondering if they are tasting bad because they are drying to fast??? what u guys think.....? :bigjoint::roll:


Well-Known Member
taste the bud as soon as it is dry, it should taste fine before the cure, the cure should improve the flavour of course
i would say 80f is a max for drying bud, even that is a bit high, i like to leave it in a room that is 70-75f it takes 7 to 10 days to dry
have you dried and cured this same weed ok before ? is this a new problem or maybe the weed is just not so good


Well-Known Member
No we weed is bomb. Its perple afgani, I have always kinda had trouble bringing out the flavour in the strains. My theory now is that i am drying to quikly due to the fan, and its holding th chloryphil inside the bud as aposed to "sweating" is out slow, i guess curing also helps for that. It will probly be fine once its been curing for a couple solid weeks of opening / closing the jar to sweat it out a bit.
I harvested a cheese plant, and it dryed pretty quick aswell in the same room, tryed some today and it was not bad at all, pretty good tasting almost kushy. I think after a couple weeks of that curing it will be bomb... next is the lemon skunk...

The first few days of the drying process in the most crucial imo.What I like to do to get the best taste/dry is to stop watering a few days b4 harvest if in hydro or a week or 2 b4 if dirt. And this would be after flushing. After the leaves droop and the plant starts wilting I uproot it (very easy in a dwc). I hang it in a dark room with good ventilation (no direct air on flowers) and just make sure temps dont go over 88 once the fan leaves are a little dry I trim it and set it out for another day until the flowers feel dry on the outside then I finish drying in brown paper bags (never sealed) till the stem snaps. After this its ready to smoke and or put in to jars and cure, I do both. This whole drying process should take about a week and a half or two weeks. I dont know exactly why this works so good but I have tried a half dozen other ways and few have worked this well and consistently.. I use to always harvest chop and trim the day they were ready with very inconstant results. but this slow death of the plant is better imo. I think the plant kinda eats its self using up more stored nutes and stresses some thus producing a lil more trichs this way but not really sure. Try and then post your results. good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea thats a good way to do it. I only use paper bags for my shake. The afgani is starting to taste a little better after curing for a while.


Well-Known Member
Everyone says 2 weeks or more on the cure, I find that indeed something magical does happen at the 2 week mark (or maybe 10 days at the earliest). So if you're not there yet, don't sweat it (no pun intended).


Well-Known Member
hahahaha yea thats what i was figuring to jus let her cure for a couple weeks and the flavour will most likley come out


Well-Known Member
I hang my buds in a closed closet, no fan this year because it dries them too fast. Even so, by three days they are almost too dry


Well-Known Member
yea i am starting to think fuck the fan lol. but i can see if u had like 5 pounds you should have a smal fan.


Well-Known Member
yea i am starting to think fuck the fan lol. but i can see if u had like 5 pounds you should have a smal fan.
It's hard to figure out what's right at first because alot of the guides / advice is geared towards big grows.

I was like WTF the first time I dried and it was over in like 2-3 days. Everything I read said like a week or two.

You'll notice nobody asked you "hey how much you drying"? Probably the biggest variable factor by far.

There lies the problem.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a hygrometer in your drying room? It may be that you're pulling too much moisture out of the plants too fast. Dry/cure is a slow process that, depending on bud density, can last months. The thing I want to impress on you is you need to pull the moisture out slowly. And high temps will destroy some terpenes which are "the essential oils" that give MJ it's aroma. moderate temperatures and low Rh are really important. Think 65F and 40Rh.


Well-Known Member
Thats very very true my friend. See im drying like an oz or less, thats why its drying fast. I should def not be using a fan rele becuz the room is lined with cedar wood and it real dry as it is. i chopped my lemon skunk yesterday and im not even putting it in the room jus one some paper bag in a dish sitting in the dark.
It's hard to figure out what's right at first because alot of the guides / advice is geared towards big grows.

I was like WTF the first time I dried and it was over in like 2-3 days. Everything I read said like a week or two.

You'll notice nobody asked you "hey how much you drying"? Probably the biggest variable factor by far.

There lies the problem.


Well-Known Member
The temps are not high at all in the dry room. Its dark and cool .
Do you have a hygrometer in your drying room? It may be that you're pulling too much moisture out of the plants too fast. Dry/cure is a slow process that, depending on bud density, can last months. The thing I want to impress on you is you need to pull the moisture out slowly. And high temps will destroy some terpenes which are "the essential oils" that give MJ it's aroma. moderate temperatures and low Rh are really important. Think 65F and 40Rh.


Well-Known Member
Thats very very true my friend. See im drying like an oz or less, thats why its drying fast. I should def not be using a fan rele becuz the room is lined with cedar wood and it real dry as it is. i chopped my lemon skunk yesterday and im not even putting it in the room jus one some paper bag in a dish sitting in the dark.
Food for thought, another huge variable is whether or not you topped or not. You're harvesting a zip, but is that spread over one or two, or more dominant colas? Fat buds dry slower than skinner ones, regardless of overall yield. :)

For me, I am usually dealing with between 1-2 oz per plant. I put them in a room with a a ceiling fan that is on slowly, but otherwise no specific circulation. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity and just check them every 12 hours or so for mold. You should be fine. You're right, a fan like that is probably too much for you.


Well-Known Member
Yea that makes sence because i super cropped the shit outa mine to make em bushy and have alot of tops. the buds wernt like super super dense, but omg are they crystaly. everything is starting to smoke a bit better. Cheese is amazing, Purple afgani still dosnt taste the best but its gettin a bit better, smells good and looks amazing full of crystals, i rele gotta squish and ruffle a bud of the afgan for a real good smell u kno. And my lemon skunk is hanging in my room the temp is set for 21 degrees C in my house ( or 70 degrees F) not sure what the humidity is tho..
Food for thought, another huge variable is whether or not you topped or not. You're harvesting a zip, but is that spread over one or two, or more dominant colas? Fat buds dry slower than skinner ones, regardless of overall yield. :)

For me, I am usually dealing with between 1-2 oz per plant. I put them in a room with a a ceiling fan that is on slowly, but otherwise no specific circulation. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity and just check them every 12 hours or so for mold. You should be fine. You're right, a fan like that is probably too much for you.
It's hard to figure out what's right at first because alot of the guides / advice is geared towards big grows.

I was like WTF the first time I dried and it was over in like 2-3 days. Everything I read said like a week or two.

You'll notice nobody asked you "hey how much you drying"? Probably the biggest variable factor by far.

There lies the problem.
nice one!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I found a Hygro meter and i had to make sure it was working so i set it outside for an hour and its def working, the temperature matches the and stuff so, im guna let it reset and ill see the reading for humitity.
So the higher the humidity the More moisture is in the air or less?


Well-Known Member
SO i actually think i have a reading already on the humidity reader. Its at 65 % RH. But the nugs seem very dry for 65 % RH. some of the stems kinda break but more of a fold crack, but some of the smaller stems snap compleley. Is this seeming right for 65 % RH???