Drying Question


Well-Known Member
Hey all, question. I chopped my NYPD saturday. its hanging in a cool dark room, not bad humidity. The sticks will bend but not snap but the outside of the buds seem real dry. is this ok?? should i jar up and start cureing or wait a little longer.......

P1010043.jpg bongsmilie


Active Member
Remove all the buds from the stems and place in a jar for 24 hours. It is safe at this point to do this without the threat of mold. After 24 hours pull them out and place them on a drying screen. They should be moist. Leave them out for 12 hours then jar them for 24 hours. The stems should snap by now. Jar them and burp the jars once each day for 10 minuts. Then start burping them 5 minuts every 3 days. Go buy a hygrometer and read this post..




Active Member
Remove all the buds from the stems and place in a jar for 24 hours. It is safe at this point to do this without the threat of mold. After 24 hours pull them out and place them on a drying screen. They should be moist. Leave them out for 12 hours then jar them for 24 hours. The stems should snap by now. Jar them and burp the jars once each day for 10 minuts. Then start burping them 5 minuts every 3 days. Go buy a hygrometer and read this post..



I was with this guy until he spelled minutes wrong twice.

Honestly I typically go until the stems crack.