Drying samples??


Well-Known Member
Hey all, this is my first grow and it's coming to the end of week 8 of flower. To get my plants at their best times I decided to trim off a few samples. Some people may frown upon this but again, this is my first grow and I'm not taking any chances of harvesting too late or early.

What is the best way to dry up samples??? Microwave? Oven?

Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Hey all, this is my first grow and it's coming to the end of week 8 of flower. To get my plants at their best times I decided to trim off a few samples. Some people may frown upon this but again, this is my first grow and I'm not taking any chances of harvesting too late or early.

What is the best way to dry up samples??? Microwave? Oven?

Can't have a quality sample without properly drying and curing. Your best option if you wanna dry it quickly is put it in a place with ambient temp of 85. (drys is about 2-4 days fresh from plant)
You will have harsh smoke but the potency will be intact.
Honestly you are better off waiting till the very very end and curing
I flower my strains 2 weeks longer than their set flower time because i want as much resins produced as possible..
THC starts degrading when the trichomes turn black after the amber stage, keep an eye on your trichs and you will be fine :]
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I totally understand a regular dry/cure is in order for the entire crop, but I need an idea of where they're at since I'm still a n00b. What I'm doing is basically I'm trying to get away from the couch lock on my two indica dominant strains. There are a few amber tric's in different places but cloudy is where it's at from what I keep reading (subcool harvesting).

Ah well. I decided to put them in the toaster oven on low for about 10 minutes. Now they're sitting on my dehumidifier. I'll probably smoke them now just because.


Well-Known Member
i can understand your need to try a sample i do it myself when ive no weed and cant wait 2 more weeks of curing, best thing to do is put whatever amount you wanna try into your grinder and grind it up fine then place it on a sheet of paper and allow to sit until dry. i put my sheet of paper in my sitting-room with my fire on and within an hour its dry, you will lose flavour but i find it gets me as stoned as anything and i can let the rest cure properly without checking every 5 mins to see if its ready lol


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Exactly what I was looking for.

I just smoked the Lemon Skunk nug first and the shit is creeping up on me lol It's definitely a nice daytime buzz. Not too sedated at all. It feels like my head is floating which is pretty fuckin sweet ahahaha It did taste like ass but that much was expected since I dried it in less than an hour. Looks like I might be chopping a few down this weekend after all :)


Well-Known Member
lol i have had some that even tastes prity good dried quick like that, as long as you dont leave it in a big klump on the paper and spread it out evenly and it will dry better


Well-Known Member
After the toaster oven I broke them apart as if I were rolling a doob. It's all sitting on a piece of paper. I'm already buzzed so I'll give the other two a while to dry better. The LS was a little wet so that's why it tasted like ass still lol


Well-Known Member
After the toaster oven I broke them apart as if I were rolling a doob. It's all sitting on a piece of paper. I'm already buzzed so I'll give the other two a while to dry better. The LS was a little wet so that's why it tasted like ass still lol
yeah you gotta let it dry until it feels crispy then you will have good smoke, if its too wet it will damp your tobacco and just be a bad tasting joint. if theres amber trichomes and you dont want couch lock i would cut it right away. i myself love couch lock tho and allway want amber trichomes


Active Member
go buy a little 20x magnifying glass unless you already have one. and i wouldn't even think about harvesting until 9 out of 10 of your trics are cloudy. as for drying id go with what everyone else said as far as humidity and place to dry. its pretty hard to let your plant flower for too long. keep asking on all the forums you can. the people on this site are great and believe me they know what theyre talking about. good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
try the radiator i did that and smoked and it got me stoned, it will be crist within an hour but wont taste at its best as not been cure n force dried


Well-Known Member
What I did worked but I didn't expect it to taste great. Oddly enough the one strain I have been disappointed in was the one I enjoyed the most lol master kush ftw

As for my actual harvest, it will be done right... no real hurry for it be done so it will have a nice long cure.


Sector 5 Moderator
It's hard to resist a little sample. :) The good thing is that after it's ready, chopped, trimmed, dried, and cured, it will be so much better, even more potent too.