Well-Known Member
hummmmm, how would a 55% bud crumble? id imagine it would hold at that humidity level as long as its consistent from beginning to end of the 30 days. I was just wondering, if the bud has to actually be closed or surrounded by itself, to release gases and the other things that happen during the cure.
im going to try a branch when i chop my ShipWreck. Im going to whole hang the entire plant this time around in my grow room. No run after this one done.
I was thinking along the lines of....The buds although they'll be in a consistent 55% rh environment,once they reach rh equilibrium with their surrounding atmosphere,they will continue to drop in RH albeit slowly until they are jarred. They need to be enclosed to keep the moisture at the desired RH.Hung in a open room freely,I suspect they will dip past 55% due to evaporation and air movement in the room/drying area.
I'm saying they will crumble because they won't maintain 55%RH in open air for long.This is pure speculation on my part,I've only had my buds drop past 58 a few times since monitoring it.
I'd like to see the results of your findings,I'm very interested.