Drying temperatures


Active Member
I have been reading a lot of different things online regarding temperatures that cannabis should dry in and I am curious as to what others opinions are. I grow in a small tent indoors so my tent temperature is limited to what the temperature is in my house. My house is about 75 in the winter and 79 in the summer.( I live in AZ and any cooler than that would put my utility bill through the roof). I’m wondering if it is ok to dry my cannabis in my tent that is the same temp as my house or is that going to be too hot? I don’t want to buy a $300 portable AC unit just to cram into my 3.5 x 3.5 tent a few times a year when I dry my cannabis. Any feedback or recommendations appreciated.
Unfortunately 75 is pretty far from ideal. Most people shoot for 60 to 65 degrees at 55 to 60 percent humidity. At the temps you are talking about you're going to have a hard time. One thing that you can do to help if cooling is not an option is to hang your plants whole. You still won't get optimal results, but it will slow the process down a bit. The other thing I've seen people do is to alternate between hanging and large Rubbermaid. Basically hang for awhile, then place in containers to allow the moisture content of the buds to equalize, then remove and hang again. Repeating this process allows the buds to dry such that the outside doesn't get crispy while the inside remains wet which is a common problem when drying in higher than ideal temps. It's a lot of work and you risk mold if you're not vigilant, but it can be done. Ultimately it's up to you what you're willing to do to get the best possible results, but Iif it were me, I'd do what I needed to to get my temps down. You got a basement?