drying them out in shead


when i chop them down
im planing on putting them in my shead
whats the right temp for them to cure just right and not too fast?


Well-Known Member
when i chop them down
im planing on putting them in my shead
whats the right temp for them to cure just right and not too fast?

I also dry in a shed. I have dried in temps from 40F to 90F. At higher temps I do not use a fan at lower temps I do use a fan. I check them daily. When the buds are a little crispy on the outside I jar them. Once jarred I bring them into the house for the cure. Keep the jars in the dark and burp until the moisture level is where you want it.
good luck



I also dry in a shed. I have dried in temps from 40F to 90F. At higher temps I do not use a fan at lower temps I do use a fan. I check them daily. When the buds are a little crispy on the outside I jar them. Once jarred I bring them into the house for the cure. Keep the jars in the dark and burp until the moisture level is where you want it.
good luck


Active Member
Where are u located? i dried my croop in a shed last year in cali and it didnt come out as well as i had hoped. The temp was to high inside the shed, around 90 degrees and the buds dried out to fast for my liking.

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
Where are u located? i dried my croop in a shed last year in cali and it didnt come out as well as i had hoped. The temp was to high inside the shed, around 90 degrees and the buds dried out to fast for my liking.

Thats my worry too. I may have to just dry in the house. This will be my 1st summertime drying. shed gets hot as fuck!


dont dry them in sheds..you must dry them slowly and in a cool, dark place for at least....2 weeks...not 3-5 days...and handle your buds as little as possible...to preserve their resin glands...

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
dont dry them in sheds..you must dry them slowly and in a cool, dark place for at least....2 weeks...not 3-5 days...and handle your buds as little as possible...to preserve their resin glands...

Last time I tried that, my buds got a lil mold. Ive done a 180 and now im all down for the 4-5 day dry.

Im in the yay area.. its hot here. This grow I wont have much of a choice.