Drying times potency and pictures of the day


Active Member
My impression of the results of using a quick dry proceedure haven't changed since the Mid 1970's when I first grew, it SUCKED THEN and still does..however now I have the blessing of a microscope and I could see what causes the taiste not to mention POTENCY big time decline, that is when you quick dry MJ you end up melting the newly formed Resin glands as the Microphotographs show resulting in a loss of over 75% in some cases. Basically the wonderful THC in the head "shoots it's wad" and evaporates into thin air leaving behind all that wonderful leaf material without any resin in it. As you can see in the pictures the resin is kind of a melted mass all over the surface (4 HRS) . At 48 hrs things inprove dramatically but the loss is still in the 50% area. In the next few days as more of the sea cums into port I will post some shots of some 1 and 2 week dried harvest. I am guessing that if you can manage to preserve 80% of your glands intact your doing OK..of course stretching it out for weeks or months is best..but few have the patience for that -- toodles for now---once again thanks a TON for all the help -- as my first totally inside flying by the seat of me pants grow with them sacred seeds starts to wind down. PS - did learn that CLONES are way more sensitive then little seedlings are they need much TLC in the begining to survive....toodlesView attachment 1966146View attachment 1966150View attachment 1966151View attachment 1966147View attachment 1966148View attachment 1966149https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/390145/attachments/1966133d1325362331-cuttings-used-microphotographs.jpg