drying too fast


Well-Known Member
I have been drying my harvest now for 2 days in a room with rh 45/50 and temp 21oc with a fan heater on and two osculating fans facing the wall , I left the room door closed for several hours today and I think the room got a little warm maybe to 25/26oc .
the buds now feel a lot drier on the outside even the small sugar leaves on the tops of the big buds feel a little crispy , is there anything I can do to slow the drying or can I put them in jars now and start the cure to moisten them back up a bit? none of them are fully dry but the outsides seem to crispy too quick, it is starting to smell better a little also, a lot of fresh cut grass smell though when up close.


Well-Known Member
I agree they are trying too fast I would take them out and to try put them in jars now n for the rest the drying take the buds out the jars lay them to dry for few hrs then back in repeat this i think for roughly 3-4 days then less so after


Well-Known Member
Maybe put them in a paper shopping bag to help even out the moisture the buds have inside.

They will keep breathing out the moisture. The leaf tips get crispy first but the buds are not dry until the small bud stems start to crack when bent.

Just gently move the buds in the shopping bag around a couple times per day to keep it all drying even.


Well-Known Member
Maybe put them in a paper shopping bag to help even out the moisture the buds have inside.

They will keep breathing out the moisture. The leaf tips get crispy first but the buds are not dry until the small bud stems start to crack when bent.

Just gently move the buds in the shopping bag around a couple times per day to keep it all drying even.
Sound advice right there, I do it this way all the time!


Well-Known Member
Put the plants in zip up bag , let the moisture wick out of the stem (about 2-3 days) then hang them back up again to finish drying. When the rh is below 50% you dont need a heater or fans, they will dry in about 6- 7 days.


Active Member
If you just leave your intake on and extraction as normal you shouldn't need any oscillating fans.there will be enough circulation.it needs to dry slowly so all the chlorophyll etc can dissipate into the atmosphere.otherwise it will be harsh and smell ike grass from the back garden