Drying weed in this humidity!!

buddha webb

New Member
where i live i have between 70/100% humidity,,,,growing has its problems but its pretty cool mostly,,,,drying properly is not good,very difficult to get the new dry buds crisp and dry.....any ideas????? i dry by hanging with a fan for a week then jar alternate days,,,,humidity gets everywhere.....ive been growing here a while,but drying is the only real problem....any advice..experience???........B.


Active Member
Sounds like you need a de-humidifier. At least with your humidity levels you won't have it dry to fast and lock in the chlorophyll, but the trade off is a risk of mold.

buddha webb

New Member
Hey grumpy,

it just drys not quite fully...i cant get a humidifier where i am....someone mentioned buying silica gel...the little packs you get in pill bottles to keep em dry..maybe get a load of them,,,im drying about 120gms each 4 months so wanna get a good drying method down....maybe keep the silica gel in the jars with the weed..??


Active Member
I have heard about using the silica packs but have never tried it, so I can't say. There is also a product called "damp rid", but again haven't had the need to try it.


Well-Known Member
pretty much anything with moisture obsorbing properties will work...instead of drying on a rack, take and put your buds in brown paper bags, not alot of them, dont fill the bag even remotely...and pour uncooked rice in the bag...and just open the bag a few times a day and shake it up a bit and that should dry out the buds as well :)


Active Member
pretty much anything with moisture obsorbing properties will work...instead of drying on a rack, take and put your buds in brown paper bags, not alot of them, dont fill the bag even remotely...and pour uncooked rice in the bag...and just open the bag a few times a day and shake it up a bit and that should dry out the buds as well :)
Doh. Didn't even think about the rice factor. And I should know seeing how I used to use it alot in camping supplies , salt shakers.

buddha webb

New Member
Thanks for replys,
i will give the rice one a go,,i have plenty of rice here!!i do use paper bag sometimes,but i think the rice will do the trick hopefully...the fuck is,after you take your weed out here its damp within 24hrs,,thanx again......B

pretty much anything with moisture obsorbing properties will work...instead of drying on a rack, take and put your buds in brown paper bags, not alot of them, dont fill the bag even remotely...and pour uncooked rice in the bag...and just open the bag a few times a day and shake it up a bit and that should dry out the buds as well :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replys,
i will give the rice one a go,,i have plenty of rice here!!i do use paper bag sometimes,but i think the rice will do the trick hopefully...the fuck is,after you take your weed out here its damp within 24hrs,,thanx again......B
Better than here if you leave your weed out for 24hrs its dry as a bone and turns to dust when you touch it :D


go to your local furniture store and pick up a couple of big boxes. Make a cardboard liner for a closet using staples.watch the humidity drop.


Active Member
Like loaded for Bud says... I dehumidifier works wonders... I have one just for drying... 70 pint unit.... When it is humid I can fill the tank in a day no problem....


Well-Known Member
Better than here if you leave your weed out for 24hrs its dry as a bone and turns to dust when you touch it :D
That is my issue, can't keep stuff from drying out, I guess it's better to have it dry fast...I just throw the harvest in a box and put it in my bedroom and in no time---Bam! crumbly

buddha webb

New Member
If i put mine in a box it would take 3 weeks to become dryish,but stems wouldnt snap,weed would be a more brown colour....its not as bad in dry season bro,but wet season,4 mnths ,its fucked up......B

That is my issue, can't keep stuff from drying out, I guess it's better to have it dry fast...I just throw the harvest in a box and put it in my bedroom and in no time---Bam! crumbly