

Active Member
evening fellow greenthumbs in the middle of my first grow
hoping not to jinx it by looking to far ahead but reading
posts about harvest i hear people talking about
drying and curing are these the same thing or am i a



Well-Known Member
You'll find lots of opinions on these two different steps. One thing I believe is almost universal is the need of a cool, dark area w/a little breeze, or circulation. Also, I think most folks hang their buds for 5-7 days before moving on to curing them. There's this certain dry "feel" all successful harvesters come to recognize.

You'll also find two schools of thought regarding the bud stems "snapping" . . . I grab mine for cure before they get that dry. Many don't. I probably should mention that I've all the time in the world, so mold is not a concern to me. (knock wood!)


Active Member
glass / mason jar with rubber air tight seal
put weed in
open every 1-2 days to air out for 2-3 min and close
do this about 5 times

something like that.........I believe we have a sticky for that
look into water curing.......very interesting


Well-Known Member
Mold smells before it's visible. When you open your jar(s) the aroma/stink should hit you in the face if it's present.


Well-Known Member
Drying is the process where you are attempting to have an end product that the stems snap and where mold can not set in. Curing is the process where you are storing your end product to enhance the quality of your product in terms of taste and burning quality.


Active Member
great video thanks man even a noob like me should be able to follow that
and man that guy was stoned he just kept it together