

Well-Known Member
Im all ready for the harvest now.gonna do it tonight,i'll be sure to post some pics later on but for now i got quick questions....
Im gonna use the same closet space to dry my 2 plants, when the lights are out at night the humidity is 50-60-% which is perfect for a space to dry them,the temp is good with the light off too but as the closet is on at outside wall wat can i do to stop the temp dropping at night? Also im gonna need to close the door to keep light out,so do i need a fan in there as well? how will the stagment air escape as i've no exhaust...

Please help so i can go snip snip snip



Well-Known Member
to dry you have to cut off the fan leaves around the buds, then hag the buds on strings or place them on mesh, always in a way that they won't touch each other. you should never let the air stall in there nor should you place direct heavy air flow on the buds. the first will cause mold the second buds that crumble to dust.
after you dried them you gone have to cure them, and since they been dried you should only air cure them. for this place them into jars or plastic back, jars are better and cut them tempararly of from air then let them breath again and re-stack them.

other option is to water cure, this is done with fresh green buds which placed into a container with fresh water and then is sealed. the water is changed every day for at least 7 days. after that the buds have to be forced dry fast to prevent mold. water curing is for the smoothest smoke possible but takes away the taste. if you interested into this, look up the thread about it by videoman;)