

My plants looked great. The buds smelt stinky. 5 days drying in my cool dark closet and the weed smells kinda like hay!! WHAT HAPPENED????? What the heck made my stink bud smell like crap? I haven't smoked any yet. I'm afraid to. Everything went good all the way through the growing proses. Just the smell issue.

No mold, not too dry, feels a little moist yet. Another day or two before rolling ready. Now I'm afraid to move on the the last stage, the good part, SMOKING IT!!! Can anyone reply? Did i miss something?


New Member
you missed nothing man.....but your missing a step called curing, it comes after drying and before rolling n smokeing..after it drys....put your buds in mason jars sealed up tight in a dark place....open the jars a couple times a day for a week or more.... this is the curing process....then the yummy smell will come back 10 fold.....

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That's normal man. The buds still aren't fully dry until at least a week of curing. They are still wet in the middle and that's what you smell.... wet, dying plant matter. Just cure them right so the inner moisture is evenly spread and allowed to dry off slowly. The hay smell should be gone in a few more days.

Del Boy

And don't forget to "burp" opening the jar once a day for 20 minutes during curing - this will release the moisture thats been buliding up inside the jar - if not mold is likely