Dsb can grow

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
first of the frost here last night.. hope my little shed is up to it now, or my girls are in trouble, theres no way i can have a grow inside the house again not even in the attic..


Well-Known Member
I like the cold weather for a few nights, it helps bring out the purple.. But then you better get them out of the ground.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah for outdoor..

mine are indoor, i had to move out to the shed to grow as it was too dodgy in the house with the kids, there only young but still wouldn`t like them to come across the room....
tried the attic but thats a pain to get in and out of so moved out to the garden..

concrete shed with concrete roof room is at the back of it, about 2 ft deep and 6 ft long of green gold...hahahahahahahaha....;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah buddy....

and were week 6 flower, so smells and looks good out there, just flipped to a 600w hps from 260w of cfl (2700k), so that should help the yeild along, and growing in soil, 20litre hempy style buckets, topped at 5th node and super cropped...

so hopeing for the best, there lemon haze which are long flowering, so a good chance to max the yeild going hps now...

what you got going yourself dirtsurfr? outdoor indoor? our outdoor was a disaster this year, weather never came so alot of plants didn`t take off with little or no yeild, and frosts here now...