Good morning all, hope you enjoy my Saturday update. No big stories just pics with explanations.
Hayduke: Sorry to miss your Q, the DE is working great with the Silverfish...slowly reducing in numbers in general. I had some great fun with my salt shaker DE jar and a silverfish that was trapped in the bad (that was meant to be Bath...but hey, Bad in Dutch is Bath)...yes I am weird, punishing insects!
Enjoy (in no order sorry, just as they were uploaded):
Oscar side shot top cola - I've just been looking at some of the outdoor gardens in California...sheesh, the difference is just not true...shitty North European summer, so much for global warming.
Cali Orang Headband cross cloned from the outdoor girl.
One of my DOG kush
DOG Pound
Half of my greenhouse, Leeks at the front, with a Spanish pepper, that got done by aphides, but is still producing a few small peppers. Cherry toms been producing great. Then you know who at the back
The 3 BX2 cheese clones under the net
Top cola of the Cali Orange Headband...up to around 7 foot now.
Side cola of the Cali Orange Headband cross
And a shot of her from below
OG Kush (I hope - i got some seeds mixed in that bag before - I am praying!!) Looks very like the OG. Need this to be the OG since I lost my clones from the last lot...won't go into that again....
Shot of the floor: Bx2 screen at the back, some DOGs and an Oscar clone at the front right side
A small lemon tree
The Puppy for the 600 grow
Left to Right: Cali OrangexHB, then 2 DPQ's
DPQ top
DPQ side
DPQ's together
Strawberries still flowering: Might get 2 or 3 more, hahaha
Happy Headbands
This is a seed I got from my Blackjack, not sure if it will be straight Blackjack or will have something of the Headband in it (which seems to have been sticking its strange genetics into a lot of thing, hoho.)
I quite liked this shot, looks almost darkish (it's not, believe me!)
Cola from Oscar
Lettuce and parsley: BTW, everything I grow in my greenhouse is generally grown in recycled coco from my MJ girls.
Oscr clone mark II
Looks like i am getting a bit of bud rot on my Happy Headbands outside...just on this bud though...think I'll just snip it off and start praying...I am not even religious but I am doing lots of praying at the moment.
Another cola (without any rot)
Hold on, someone stole all my plants......oh no, that bit's still empty!!! hopefully not for long.
BX2 Cheese screen
Thelma seed MarkI
And that is for the update. Comments, questions, remarks are welcome.
Peace out,