DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Active Member
mmmmm love the og kush. keep it up dst. are you doing the headband this run? had a buddy do that for a while...very nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
mmmmm love the og kush. keep it up dst. are you doing the headband this run? had a buddy do that for a while...very nice smoke.
Yup, doing a run of both. Love the Headband as well, and the OG, thick tasteness for sure, you'll have hints of that thick full flavour in the LA as well.


Well-Known Member

One of the ansazi OG kush girls.

And from the side, looks like it will have about 4 main tops..

Couple of the anasazi Headbands

And this is a mad looking OG kush head - pointing at 90 degrees toward the vertical light



Active Member
neat. i really like the vert grow. like its from the future. or a spaceship. have you ever seen a revolving chamber grow? i guess its horizontal, but still cool. bulb runs down the center of a wheel, plants grow in towards the center. constantly slowly revolving, so when plants reach bottom they get fed. pretty crazy lookin. ill try to find a link...


Well-Known Member
neat. i really like the vert grow. like its from the future. or a spaceship. have you ever seen a revolving chamber grow? i guess its horizontal, but still cool. bulb runs down the center of a wheel, plants grow in towards the center. constantly slowly revolving, so when plants reach bottom they get fed. pretty crazy lookin. ill try to find a link...
You mean something like this:

Mr West and I were also talking about Roto-grow, which is similar.

Your just a few pieces of equipment and set up design away from this being a Full Volume grow! :)
Prey tell, TLD, interested to hear more.

There saved u a job D mate lol
Cheers lad, was all getting a bit much...kept giving me security token replies (i.e large files sizes!!)


Active Member
you could really blow up a spot with those. the space youd save alone would be worth it. a unit with a 5x5 footprint would be approximately equivalent to a 16x5 garden. and you could somehow stack them too. and they told us in school that smokin grass made you stupid.


Well-Known Member
you could really blow up a spot with those. the space youd save alone would be worth it. a unit with a 5x5 footprint would be approximately equivalent to a 16x5 garden. and you could somehow stack them too. and they told us in school that smokin grass made you stupid.
If you find out the price let me know....can't imagine what shipping costs to Europe would be, yikes.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Think I'll do some cuttings today. But at the moment we got the OG Kush cuttings, and Barbagseed (the seed I found in a bar) which is growing quite strangely as you would expect - gonna see it through though. We also have a couple of Headbands that are in there for the time being, vegging away.

So that's it for the time being oh journal of mine.

Will be back of course with more at some point in the near future.

Feel free to stop by and say hello, share your views and comments, have you grown any of these strains, what experiences have you got with them(bud/weed porn pics), any tips for me...and all that good stuff we growers like to babble on about ......but speak up, or forever hold your silence:bigjoint:

It's all peace and love and fat joints,



Well-Known Member
Knew I could rely on you lad, lol.

Some of those OGK clones are looking a bit yellow in the middle, all they are getting is rhizotonic which has a 0. something NPK ratio (can't remember at the moment - it's posted in my thread somewhere) The last OG's I grew also use to yellow from the inside out. But they would always right themsleves, but then they were bigger girls as well....not sure if I am just fussing about nothing. Feel like I need something to fuss about (I have a lot of $hit going on in my world at the moment...court battles with customers that cost the earth) but that's another story...need to keep the mind occupied.


Well-Known Member
Well 5 out of 5 of my Cali Orange seeds have turned Fem. And heres the pics to prove it (unless you have another opinion:lol:) They were potted in small pots as you can see in my thread, and then treated like shit (sorry girls) and then gave some loving. So nothing special, no tricks except feeding them rhizotonic;-)

Number 1:


Number 3:

Number 4:

Number 5:

And a couple of random cali shots:
first girl

Fifth girl


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the sex D mate
cheers lah, i was kind ofh oping for some boys, jusy to give me some room...ah well. May have to move one of them upstairs somewhere.

I never snapped the anasazi OG kush, but it has gone mad since 12/12. Here's the deal, the Headbands, wow, they can be stout and short, the OG Kush, stretching is what they like to do....so LST'ing is the name of the game with them. I topped a headband and left another one to grow. Same 1 gallon pots, same nutes, time, etc. and they yielded the same.

I was fiddling around with the New York 47, just twisting some of the little branches and fan leaves, giving them a little squeeze;-) Extremely stinky hands, so really looking forward to seeing that mature.


Active Member
lookin good. from what ive seen of headband you tend to get some week 7/8 running in the buds. you know, when theres a little tiny stem covered in calyxs shooting out of the bud at wierd angles. did you find that the og strecthed as soon as you flipped em? those confidentials sure did. shot up about 9 inches in a week then just stopped. theyre starting to fill out now.

couldnt find pricing on those rotary gardens, but looking at your op, i can tell that youre pretty handy. i imagine you could slap one together fairly easily and inexpensively. i was thinking that a 55 gal plastic barrel would be a good place to start. if you just cut holes in the side for your pots to stick out of, some clips to hold em in when theyre upside down, you could probably do the frame from wood. add electric motor w/ gear reduction and a belt and a couple bearings. i guess with the plastic drum, youd want to go with flourescents. but it 'seems' like you could do it for 'around' $500.
also- how do you feel about that rhizotonic? ever done a head-to-head with and without it?