oh yeah how was the smell on ur 2 bx2 males?
I'd be lying if I said something, in all honesty I can't remember, it was last summer. Sorry, plus they where a fekkin nightmare, nearly died on my twice (all three of the bx2's) That was because they were outdoors I think, we had real damp summer last year.
I got smell and taste confused, it's the taste that is unique (almost like dill pickles). I mentioned the sleepy aspect 'cause I didn't want you smoking a bowl and becoming narcoleptic. You look like an old fart who keeps dozing off.

Dill pickles, would that be similar to gherkin type smell? OR just generally pickley with the added Dill fragrance?
Well it's chopped now, and upon ramming my finger into one of the buds to get a better niff of it, I can say that there is something else there, it's just a bit damp to get the full fragrance. The buds are like little rocks, here's a pic.
Peace, DST