DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
doc when u whitey u over do it, like when u ate 2 much hash, u tend to turn a shade of white (pale) or even green (then normaly sick lol)

u serious about dean gaffney bro?


Well-Known Member
I remember my first whitey.... If there is any smoker out there that hasn't thrown a whitey then your time will definitely cone hahaha I reckon everyone must throw at least one

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i puked once on hash cookies.(like las mentioned) it was one of the most horrifing experiences of my life. I though i would have to be committed to an insane asylum. I almost called for an ambulance. yeah,,thankfully i finally puked my brains out. no more eating hash for me.. i cant even eat canna butter anymore either. im pretty darn sure im allergic to it after multiple tests..hehehh. just a little tiny bit puts me in a coma for 3 days.
have a wonderful weekend you guys!!! happy medicating!


Well-Known Member
morning mr dst you alright this fine day?.
loving the outdoor girls, shame about the bollocks, you haven't even maximised your legal grow by having fem seeds, tut tut.

i'm actually surprised your strain hasn't been named in a rap song yet, dog kush would fit in at any aftershow party i'm sure

everythings looks lovely as always.
how did the feminised exodus turn out?


Well-Known Member
hash cakes are a no go for me either first bit of the buzz great feels like ur comin up on class n then a complete brain melt heart jumpin outa ur chest type of buzz subd mate ras


Well-Known Member
Who the fuk is Dean Gaffney, lol. The last time I watched Eastenders Dirty Den was still in it...

I had a good old smoke with Bones Thugs and Harmony in my local bar, haha. I was totally blasted and we ended up playing pool with them. Oasis also come into one of my local bars when they are playing in Amsterdam....and it's Noel Gallagher who is the knob, Liam is just a normaly scally lad.

For sure, you don't get your wings until you have thrown a Whitey. And remember children, don't Drink and Fly!!! And if you do, make sure you do them both at the same time. Otherwise those helicopters be coming into land.

Better go off and fee the bairns.

Laters, DST


Well-Known Member
I am not really into the Bone Thugs thing, but they were real nice guys. I think there's probably a whole load of singers, stars that are just normal peeps really. I also had a drink with Travis after the Paul Weller concert, again, all great guys. I didn't even know who they were, lol. It was my mate who was like, that's Travis over there, go over and blag us some tickets, they are playing here tomorrow. I was like, eh! who are they, are you sure? Anyway, I done the schoolgirl thing and went over and said "My mate said that you guys are Travis, sorry, I don't even know who you are..." Straight up they were like, it's all good, have a drink, blah blah. Then they asked us, if we wanted our names on the guest list. Pitched up the next night thinking, are these blokes for real, and fair play, two names on said list!! They were pretty good live as well.

I would have loved to have smoke with the Bone thugs man you are a lucky guy.


Well-Known Member
I used to play in a band called Jackknife. We were pretty decent, kinda trippy dance music, lots of effects and catchy beats and riffs. We had an acoustic number that I wrote called Walking in the Sun. Travis ripped it off. Moral of the story, Copyright your shit.lol

Dean Gaffney was the wee ugly rat that always had a big Al'get u wae him. Greasy hair with bad spots


Well-Known Member
everytime I click on my thread I giggle at this, here we go again, hehehehehehehe.
how do you get a whitey? what is it? is it fun?lol
I used to play in a band called Jackknife. We were pretty decent, kinda trippy dance music, lots of effects and catchy beats and riffs. We had an acoustic number that I wrote called Walking in the Sun. Travis ripped it off. Moral of the story, Copyright your shit.lol

Dean Gaffney was the wee ugly rat that always had a big Al'get u wae him. Greasy hair with bad spots
It's funny, I've invented loads of things, until I find out they have already been invented....i guess in the music biz it does happen though.

And I still have no clue who you are talking about, hehe. I am going to google it right now.


Well-Known Member
Your right I prob ripped him off.lol My cloning didny go so well m8. Only 1 survived out the 6 I done. Got a new contact though who sells White Rhino clones, rooted for a 5 spot. Canny grumble at that.

I had a giggle at the whitey thing aswel. Its a right good laugh if its someone else but when the shoes on the other foot.......different story


Well-Known Member
what happened to them? Sometimes they can flop over and start to wilt, I just pull them back out of the soil, re-snip, pop em in some distilled water and let them get back to feeling normal, then try again. Ach well, better luck next time (you should try it again, it'll come eventually lad)
Your right I prob ripped him off.lol My cloning didny go so well m8. Only 1 survived out the 6 I done. Got a new contact though who sells White Rhino clones, rooted for a 5 spot. Canny grumble at that.

I had a giggle at the whitey thing aswel. Its a right good laugh if its someone else but when the shoes on the other foot.......different story


Well-Known Member
"For years everyone was waiting for the heart wrenching storyline in which Willard contracted rabies and tore Robbie's throat out in the middle of the market."

This made me giggle


Well-Known Member
what happened to them? Sometimes they can flop over and start to wilt, I just pull them back out of the soil, re-snip, pop em in some distilled water and let them get back to feeling normal, then try again. Ach well, better luck next time (you should try it again, it'll come eventually lad)

Dunno what happened. This new guy I got hooked up with says to just let him know 2 weeks in advance when I need the clones. 30 clones for £150. Thats well cheaper than seeds and alot less hassel than doing it yourself.


Well-Known Member
With clones come bugs, diseases and other shizzle ya dinnae want in yer garden, but yeh, they can be a lot less hassle. Perhaps make up a small bucket of solution and dip them clones when you get them.....