DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

aah i should have known that that was og based, silly me, no other bud i have seen goes that colour. why you only running 1 light?,trying to be efficient or something?, please don't say it's temps...
Exactly, no point in running 3 lights when I only have enough to fill 1. The others are lagging behind so while temps are up it's a godsend. I also have some new ventilation parts that I have been meaning to add for ever...although Mrs DST is planning on us cycling tomorrow....I need a joint me thinks.
wow, i didn't know your closet was ever empty, i suppose it will help if you are doing modifications to have some space in there to move. your grow reminds me of one of those old horror films where people walk near a boarded up window and some arms suddenly come bursting through trying to grab them, i've not even had a joint today either.
Honest guvnors' it ain't empty. Gonna have to take a pic fur ye's lol. Here's some other pics to be going on with.......

I was thinking, maybe I vertical scrog the 7foot beast and stick that in the cab, lmao...

vertical cheddar



So I LST'ed the tops of my outdoor girls, they are now over the 1m75 fence and some. It's legal to grow my plants outdoor here but no point advertising it to the world.

yup, and that is supposed to be sky in the background, you know, that blue stuff you sometimes see, lol.

I got lots of tops.

Peace, brb.....

monsters lad!, i knew that would end up happening, even when they were knee high to a grasshopper. maybe you should have lstd them earlier, looks like they're only just starting to flower, crikey.
as you say when you got lots of illegals in the hoose you don't wanna be giving away any signs at all that you are a top farmer. i had about 3 or four joints in my house while i was growing in there, just didn't wanna give the neighbours any excuse to be sticking their oar in.

to be fair mate, if the v scrogged one of those outdoor girls and put it in the coliseum it would be verging on a full capacity crowd, that beast deserves at least a 400 to its self. i'd be scared of bringing in all the outdoor pests in doing that though, you can never be certain with the outdoor girls.
Ok, so it does look empty, hahaha...well the top two levels do anyway (I am not showing you 2 pictures of empty levels though, 1 will suffice)

Ground floor it's all still shibanging though....

^^will be cleaning tube when I do the renovating before there are any chimer inners. But thanks for noticing:)

This was labelled BK and I thought it was a Bolo Kush, however it clearly isn't a Bolo Kush, it is in fact a bloody stinky Bleeseberry Kush.

I really battered these Deep Blues that I have, I have some out in the greenhouse, some in tray, some in small pots, some potted up and so forth....putting them through their drills, haha. Look very much like Mummy though.

Peace and puddles, DST
tell me about the pest, done that before with PM and pests, lol. You learn by yer mistake. I was thinking it would be monster job to spray it down. Could take it to a farm and get it sheep dipped, lol.
monsters lad!, i knew that would end up happening, even when they were knee high to a grasshopper. maybe you should have lstd them earlier, looks like they're only just starting to flower, crikey.
as you say when you got lots of illegals in the hoose you don't wanna be giving away any signs at all that you are a top farmer. i had about 3 or four joints in my house while i was growing in there, just didn't wanna give the neighbours any excuse to be sticking their oar in.

to be fair mate, if the v scrogged one of those outdoor girls and put it in the coliseum it would be verging on a full capacity crowd, that beast deserves at least a 400 to its self. i'd be scared of bringing in all the outdoor pests in doing that though, you can never be certain with the outdoor girls.
yeah ok, one light is more than enough, but the basement is pretty hectic.

in the second pic down is the cheese beast on the bottom of the pic?. love the upside down kush too, trying to get the light anyway it can.

by the way there seems to be a lot of sticky resin on your cooltube, did you know you are losing lumens there?, i'd clean that if i were you!

i see no filter on the bottom any more, are you pushing air through it out side the cab to give yourself more room?
Filter is in the corner of the room with a 5inch fan on top. I am going to be running a fan for the lights, and a fan for ventilation which I will connect a filter too, when I finally get round to getting it. I'll probably buy another fan as well as I have an 8inch and a 5 inch ruck for exhaust. Although the cool tubes are only 5 inch, I think my 5 inch fan needs a bit more oomph for the 3 lights (I have my 8 inch pulling through the lights at the moment). I will use the 8 inch fan for cab ventilation, I reckon that should be fine. And the lights will have air drawn from outside the cab and along ducting that wil lead to a vent to the outside.

edit, seems confusing, but it's all clear in my addled brain, lol.
lookin good bru!...
U need to send me one of those doggs...
Hopefully i can send u something in the near future....
Monday already eh! That look's like the summer over allready lol. Holiday's nearly over and hardly even got a suntan! I mean WTF This is Sunny Scotland :)

Have a good one, just waking to a nice DOG n Cuppa!

Take it easy Pal.
did you manage to find the fan you were after?. i always go to hydro shops to buy my gear, para inducing and usually more expensive, but i'm a very hands on kind of guy.

i have the 4 5 6 and 8 inch rvk fans and they are all very good at what they are supposed to do, reasonably quiet too with their plastic casings. i had a 5 inch steel ruck that made a right hubbub.

and don that oil looked bloody awful mate, hope you are ok.