Well-Known Member
what do you call a female clown?
i thought a female clown was a clunt but thats not important now. All I know is baby has her next feed at half 3 so any sleep i want i need to get it now but i have a biff in my own version of the stinky room wich is outside under upstairs's balcny in the rain.
Hey Shaggy, love it man, cheers for checkin in, that'll be £3.57 please? Cash or Check? lol.
Sorry man, just being a prick, pished as a fart and being on the internet=bad combo....
Lol. Good shit dude. Sucks your having a bad day. Hope it gets better, sending good vibes.
Good to see some vert growers on here though. Makin me think about postin up a journal.
DST, the more drink u swally the more the Scottish comes Its easy to tell the difference between sober D and pished
hahah crackin me up this morning. i'm surprised westy hasn't turned a tent into a smoke hut.
whats good in DST's world? hungo?
had to make do with the zatte eh. hard knock life in the dam eh bru lol
i'm jonesing for some sativa big time. have been for ages. bet the hash is like a moonrocket ride eh