DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Active Member
nice nice nice. how do you get such good pix without the black 60hz bands? i have to take mine with an incandescent light right before lights on...


Well-Known Member
no worries bru, I am super late for most things as well, haha.

The Game: for me it def said a lot of common sense things of how to deal with communicating and how to hold yourself in public. Some people have it, some need to practice it...and not just for dealing with the opposite sex. Would be interesting to see his rules applied in a nudist camp scenario......:shock:

LMAO ahahahah good one

i totally feel you tho, some people got it, others need practice.

mr west

Well-Known Member
So we are at 27 days of flower today. Guess we are kind near half way mark. So I am splitting these updates since I have been on a pic fest. First up on the Cat Walk will be the Blackjack::weed:

OGKush Clones

Thelma (Headband Clone)

New York 47 Clone - Topped once

Casey Jones Clones - looking strong

EDIT: Forgot the Blackjack Clone, also looking happy as...

And the vegging Headbands for cloning purposes:

Farkin lovely:weed:

And I think that's about it folks. Enjoy the pics and have a great weekend.:hump:


Peace, DST
had to be done consolidation page bump lol


Well-Known Member
they r lookin spectacular... nice work
thanks florida. Is that one of your spiders in your avatar? i think you posted pics before?

porntastic :clap:

casey looks like shes gonna be a heavy finish! barbagseed looks very sparse but going strong man!

stellar update man

cheers for the headsup jigfresh! repped ya but didnt sign owt me browser went scatty.
The CJ is looking nice, but both of them are loosing fan leafs fast...not sure if they have just grown to big...

EDIT: And Barbagseed was kinda just doing nothing it seemed. So I thought I'd top it to stimulate some growth. Now all the lower shots seems to have livened up as well. So hopefully it's going to get a bit more interesting.

nice nice nice. how do you get such good pix without the black 60hz bands? i have to take mine with an incandescent light right before lights on...
I move the plants out of the grow area and the light is only a small amount of hps that comes through the space for the opening. I open up the veg tent which has the 300w 6500 cfl, so gives it a daylight look which I think shows the natural colours:weed:

looking good DST:weed:
Thanks Dr, always good to see you.

LMAO ahahahah good one

i totally feel you tho, some people got it, others need practice.
Pehaps we all need practice, some people are just more natural are certain things.

had to be done consolidation page bump lol
Thanks Westy,

I am definitely looking into the vertical grow thing.
I think there are a few people who would support it on riu. I am thinking of changing my design...we shall see.

Thanks again for all the visits and kind words peeps.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Well I went to bed late last night so didn't get up early enough to get pics of the girls in situ before the lights come on. So you'll have to see them with an orangey shade to them, soz rock!

A bugs view

The new Headband clones


Well-Known Member
My wife was talking about her folks and how her Gran is turning 95, and certain people where going round to visit, including her , Uncle Eric who she doesn't like the most for some reason. I have met him, seems a bit weird. Anyway, she bust out with this and I was pissing myself. So I had to find it on Youtube to share with you guys....
Ho ho ho, he he he, Eric the Half a Bee

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have an uncle Eric and i had a cat called eric too upuntill he died a few years ago lol. I got a monty python album that that song is on lol


Well-Known Member
looks like your situation is about to get stick.. do u use any flower boosters ?
Been using pk 13/14. Need to get more nutes as I have run out of BN Grond.

healthy clones... yea thats my tarantula "Querkle" in my avatar.
Nice name, Querkle. where does that word originate from? Anyone know?...too lazy to google it as I'' just end up getting RIU hits, lol.

I have an uncle Eric and i had a cat called eric too upuntill he died a few years ago lol. I got a monty python album that that song is on lol
I remember listening to Billy Conolly on LP...good ole days Westy. When a 10 pence mix up was worth somthing:shock:


Well-Known Member
For me it was a no brainer, i was getting a new light anyway, and the 600 was only 10 euro more than the 400.
And the thing that gets me is the 600 has double the lumens of a 400. I just sold my 400, upgrading soon.

Bro the CJ is out of control. Loos so good. Also, I really like the structure of the NY 47... it just looks perfect.

Yesterday my good friend came over with his wife and baby. I thought it a good occasion to try some dutch licoriche... man that stuff was the grossest tasting thing I've ever had in my life. Just foul. They wouldn't go as far as to agree with me on it being the absolute worst, but they didn't hold it in their mouth as long as me either, so who knows. Anyways... good times.

EDIT: The all HPS pics look so wild and artistic. Maybe that what things would look like on mars or something. And that Eric song was too funny. Great stuff.


Well-Known Member
Well this update is dedicated to Thelma. She also has a little spot which I will post in the next post (video;-))

Well happy with Thelma, she is coming along nicely. Here's some bud shots of her.



Well-Known Member
Thought I'd jump on the video bandwagon....christ alive, an hour to upload onto Youtube.....bore off.:shock:

See what you think, next time hopefully with the HPS lights off.....


Peace, DST