DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

mr west

Well-Known Member
sounds a bit getto, hehe. Right in the heart of betsit land as well lol. In a house full of bag heads and dirty foil chasers lol. Middle England's ghetto lmao


Well-Known Member
^^^^Sounds similar to my old hunting grounds, it's a UK wide thing I can confirm that, everyone wants a bit of that action...why!?!? Trainspotting was so Eighties, MJ is the embodyment of cool in this century, and will always remain the bedrock of what will eventually be the new enlightenment of the world. Just you wait and see...they'll get it sooner or later. Or maybe it takes them (you know who) to destroy the world first, then we can have the new enlightenment...hahaha.

Right, off to sort out the pics for Sundays Cheeky ontbijt...


Well-Known Member
So I had the other Casey Jones plant out this morning to remove some of the ever increasing spent yellow fan leaves. These girls are finishing for sure. They are light feeders, this is not nute burn, and definitely not due to lack of N. If that were the case why would a plant that uses a lot of N and stays dark green (i.e the OG Kush) which is also on the same feed pattern and grow medium as the Casey, (which is a light feeder by all accounts) be looking as it should. So I am convinced (or have convinced myself) that these girls are just finishing. Which I can't complain about, the buds are solid, they smell is incredible from them, it's like a fake fruit smell from some old school sweets. And the colas are straining to stay up straight....so here's the Casey Jones 2 which has been kept in the shadows until now.

And The Cali Orange. These will def need to go through to 8 weeks, there is no way they wil be ready in under 8 weeks (45-55 days) But this one hasn't got the fatest of nugs, and I think is actually a bit behind the others....we shall see.

Peace, DST


Active Member
very Nice DST!! That casey Jones is looking good , My AIs are just starting to yellow like that so i will deff be chopping soon.... and
the cali orange deff looks like its gonna be some nice smoke aswell

Good work man


Well-Known Member
Thanks PT. All is well, it's Sunday and got a chilled day ahead. Off for another bong me tink...

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking spankingly nice D. Ive been at me mums this weekend and just got back to see my girls but none are close to being ready lol


Well-Known Member
So this is my pre-experiment for my Time in motion on my New York 47. Which I think I will carry on doing for another few days then throw the results up.

This one is just 5 frames taken over a period of 12 hours, I just snapped each pic, I didn't line it up so it's a bit raw, but this was to give me an idea of how my eventual one will work out.



Active Member
That was amazing i like how you see those fan leaves pick up outta no where hehe id like to do sumthing like that but over the whole veg period and maybe 2 weeks flower

should be amazing when you do a bigger one


Well-Known Member
That was amazing i like how you see those fan leaves pick up outta no where hehe id like to do sumthing like that but over the whole veg period and maybe 2 weeks flower

should be amazing when you do a bigger one
that would be cool, but you'd need to set your camera up to do it, because doing it manually is a fekkin chore. Like just now, I am off to the potting shed for my mid-day bong, and the camera is coming with me....snore. But I will perservere:bigjoint:


Active Member
Thats a really great video, I love watching plants move. Maybe doing things like that will be a good way for me to show other people who don't see it in action. Its truely one of the lovelier things about growing plants. I love growth.


Active Member
casey is finishin up nicely... got a number of white pistils still though eh?

cali O - healthy as a mutha*****. they look like they wanna go 9 or 10 !!

....and cool little vid there.
so cool to pop back in the room n see the foliage magically flipped towards the sky. nice


Well-Known Member
casey is finishin up nicely... got a number of white pistils still though eh?

cali O - healthy as a mutha*****. they look like they wanna go 9 or 10 !!
Ja, the Casey is still looking like an OAP before a blue rinse, but she and her sister will both be right in a couple of weeks though.:mrgreen:

And yeh, I am with you on the Cali O....and that's supposed to finish first!! Mmmmnn, weird. :roll: The others do look a bit further forward than this girl though...will show further updates of the other next time.

Hope all is well with the Sandy Salmons.;-)

Peace, DST


Active Member
ye, i was on vaca for about 4 days.. came back and BOW. miss sexy sandy salmon was awaiting.

colas always seem to plump up double-time whenever you're away :confused::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey D been reading my way through your journal aswell, Good googly moogly this suckers long. hah peace bro.
Not quite War and Peace, but getting there.:shock: If you get stuck just gies a shout pal.

ye, i was on vaca for about 4 days.. came back and BOW. miss sexy sandy salmon was awaiting.

colas always seem to plump up double-time whenever you're away :confused::mrgreen:
All in the mind me thinks. Your mind/brain, call it what you want, is constantly being flashed pictures of your girls - everytime you stick your head into the grow room - so the difference doesn't register as much. It is nice to go away though, and come back to something instantly recognisable...or in some cases, you come back and go, ffs, what did I think I was doing, haha. but hopefully not too often.

Sandy Salmon is what we use to say as young lads when playing football and jumping up for a Header. "He's up like Sandy the salmon.....goal!!!!!" cheers and well wishes..blah. You can picture it., haha.

been meaning to ask, Scotty, Art work, Avatar??

Peace guys,



Active Member
ohh. thanks for clearin that up hahh

well i am not responsible for creating it unfortunately.

it's a piece done by Willem deKooning - my favorite painter i'd say

here, take a closer look:-P



Active Member
those cjs are looking beautiful dst. really have a strong blue hue to them. what are the genetics on them? trainwreck x ? how long have they been in flower? cali orange looks good too.


Well-Known Member
ohh. thanks for clearin that up hahh

well i am not responsible for creating it unfortunately.

it's a piece done by Willem deKooning - my favorite painter i'd say

here, take a closer look:-P
Awesome painting...ok so he was born in Rotterdam, lets not hold that against him, lol.

those cjs are looking beautiful dst. really have a strong blue hue to them. what are the genetics on them? trainwreck x ? how long have they been in flower? cali orange looks good too.
Its trainwreck sourdiesel thai cross from what I understand. They have only been on the go 6 weeks on those pics. Will be ready soon me thinks...surprised at the quickness of them to be honest..