Well-Known Member
Talking about all this stretch makes me think about my favorite anti stretch tool in HCO's Bushmaster. It's perfect for stopping vertical growth right where you want it to stop. I'm think you've read about it on my thread DST. And I guess you use gravity, so you aren't scared of HCO products. The Bushmaster is just amazing in what it does.
Hey Jig, I may look into this, but I can't admit to thinking about using it before you mentioned it. As far as gravity, I was actually talking about natural gravity (although I have also heard of the product Gravity - probably also from your thread

do you mean the product gravity, or the other kind ?
And are u worried about roots violating each other?
Hi T, I was watching the clip on Omega systems on RIU and the guy was talking about how plants rectify themselfs when put under gravity stress, the same theory as super cropping, LST, etc. So by having the plants hanging like that, with the branches tied then gravity will (should) take it's natural course. Which will help with these stretchy girls.
As far as roots violating each other, I done it in a 4 gallon pot before with 2 kush plants, they each produced as much as the single plants (that were in individual smaller pots.) So, no, nae violating going on in the Octopus's Garden.
Me oot,