DTW coco day 55 flower.. Small buds??


New Member
Hey guys. This is my first post on this forum, it's a place I refer to when I'm looking for info on growing.. So I'm coming through my very first indoor grow and I'm on day 55 from flipping to 12/12 lighting schedule. Growing under a Mars hydro ts600 in a 60 X 60 X 180cm tent. I have the Gorilla glue x white widow by expert seeds running. My question is do you guys reckon these buds are a bit small for day 55 of flower.? I'm going to run it to day 70 as its a 55 - 60 day strain and I reckon 10 weeks will be enough. Using drain to waste in coco and she has always been well fed.. Sometimes I reckon overfed.. Anyways please let me know what you guys think of this bud coming through here. Have a cool day and thank you very much.



Well-Known Member
Looking at it I would say it needs more than two more weeks to finish.
Lots of weight to pack on yet.

The ts600 isn't a particularly powerful light, been around 100w I think of less efficient diodes its a little bit underpowered for the space.
Personally I would aim for 120w of top tier diodes so its a bit shy of ideal.
Plus you have a few colas stretch up which would of benefited from been super cropped to make a more even canopy allowing your light to be a few inch closer. That would of helped bulk your lower nugs a bit.

Taking into account all these things that's probably why they are not a bit bigger, but don't judge it till the end.

I would check back in in a few weeks and get opinions on ripeness before you chop.
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New Member
Thanks for that positive response dude. Yeah didn't wanna make too many mistakes as i just wanted to make it to harvest, without it dying on me and having to start over so did not try too many strategies incase it backfired. Well gonna keep her going a few more weeks and will check back in to see if she's bulked up a bit.