Dual 600s vs single 1000


Well-Known Member
I've heard it said that the 1000 watt lights are the way to go.

I was wondering though, since my space would permit me, if it would not be advantageous to go with two 600s instead?

The option of burning two 1000 watt bulbs is a non starter as i don't want to consume that much electricity.

Opinions please? Factors to consider are bud quality, then quantity. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
yea it would be cool, especially if thats all your running. you wont be growing tree so you dont have to worry about penetrating the canopy.
if i was doing a small closet and i had to chose between them, it would be the 2 600 watts all day, dont get me wrong i like me 1k's for big shit lol


Active Member
can you get 2- 600's closer than a 1- 1000 watt bulb that is to the tops of the plants without burning them


Well-Known Member
if you look at lumen output ratio 600w vs 1000w, the 600w clearly is more efficient. 600 puts out roughly 95,000 lumens and 1000 puts out 145,000-150,000
to make this easy im gonna multiply 600 by ten and 1000 by 6 to make the ratios comparable.
10x 600 would be 95,000 and 6x 1000 would be 87,000- 90,000
the difference if using 6000w of lighting is 50,000- 53,000 lumens


Active Member
yes you can put 600's much closer to the tops than 1000s. Air cooling or light move allows you to move either bulb very close to the tops. I like two 600's. I also like one 1000 on a light mover 10" from the canopy.


Well-Known Member
600 vs 1000, I say 1000 watt every time

2x600 vs 1000, pretty obvious but 1200 watts is gonna be better

IMHO, the whole "600 watt can be put closer inverse square bla bla" debate has no merit. Sure the bulb can be put closer, but then the spread and distribution is less.


Active Member
200 extra watts of light would be better then 1 1000 watt bulb. Unless you were to use 2x 1000 watters. Which is what it sounds like your asking about.

However depends on what kind of foot print you need.

Like I posted earlier today in another post. dual 600 watters work well for a grow tent that is 4x8 because of the foot print made.

If you are growing in a space that is square like 4x4 or so then I would use 1 600 watter. if its 8x8 dual 600 watters
5x5 1 1000 watt bulb 10x10 dual 1000 watt bulbs.

I guess my question is to you. What size space are you growing in?
Two 600 w all day over 1 1000w due to the light penetration and coverage. Can be alot closer to the buds and may be abit easier to control temps of the room with two 600w
I've personally done this experiment on a few different occasions and the biggest thing that sticks out is the colas of the 600's will always be smaller. The grams per watt are comparable but a pound of small nugs looks a lot less appealing than a pound of big nugs. I think this is due to the fact that light energy diminishes exponentially with distance and the 1000s just have better penetration. To really understand this you need to research the difference between lumens and candlepower. Lumens are the total light energy emitted at the bulb while candlepower is how much actual light is at a given point.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
you going to grow big ol' 4-footers? Go with 1000w. More penetration.

Growing lots of smaller plants? go with 2x 600w. More coverage. Don't need the penetration of 1000w.

-my .02


Well-Known Member
one thing i don't see mentioned is grow space.

is it a full room or tent grow? how big is the area? would you like air cooled or bare bulb? do you sog or grow big plants? mono crop or multi strain? how much grow exp do you have?

i think both set ups have their advantages and draw backs so if you could answer these questions i could give you a reply on what would best work for you.


Well-Known Member
2 600's are better because if you have a light failure, be it a bulb or ballast, you still have a light going until you can make repairs. I use 2 - 600's overhead and 2- 400's for side lighting in a 6x8x9 space.
I hated growing with one light, it is ok if you are there all the time, but if you have to leave for a few days at a time, it gets worrisome. I would go with 2 fixtures ( wattage is your choice ) so you up the odds of always having at least one light going.

Peace and Great Grows
