Dual 90 watt ufo led- first grow ever, big bang


Awesome, I can't wait to see your design, thanks for all the inspiration man!! Vertical scrog, wow, awesome, my room is small as well, only 7f-7f. I will start my lights as you said on Sunday. If I keep my lights 2 inches above will I see good results in flower?, or should i have them up higher. I here closer is better for veg. PH-7.2 PPM 750, Temp 88'f.
If you feel like your over your head , just think of all the people you have helped!!! we need you. I hear my plants calling right now, got to go ttyl.


Well-Known Member
Aw man you're making me blush. thanks again. keep ur pH in range and if your ppm is going down. Your plants are hungry. I had this mother plant once that we called tree trunk. I stopped counting my ppm and what strength nute i was going, and just kept tossing her more nutes every couple of days cause, she'd suck that all up and never show the least bit of deficiency. This was before i had my tds meter tho, and like i said i was looking for lush green bordering on the slightest bit of nute burn. If just the tip yellows ur ok. If they start to curl you've gone too far. I would keep your lights as close to the plant as possible without causing heat burn. LED's got a bad rep right now cause they produce supposedly lower yields. Thats why i'm so interested in your thread. I thought that if you give the additional cfl you still maintain temp and give extra light and different spectrums.

Had my first spider mites ever today. So i go into the garden shop up here and the guy is like oh yeah its that time of year. I've never had a pest in any state that i've grown anything in the past. veggies included. I'm super anal about cleanliness, washing my hands, no pets in the la-bora-tory, keeping my home air filters changed regularly..... SO I bought one clone up here that had powdery mildew, then got another with mites. This is crazy.

I should note that that was a typo last night, i wish i had 1800 sq, but really its 180 per room, with a two foot window all the way up for my ladder. But thats better than using my 8x8 and getting 64 square with no additional room to move. The biggest benefit I see; is that every bit of your canopy is in the sweet spot of the light. Pretty cool if you think about it and not hard to do either. If you decide you want to do a v scrog be sure to hit me up. There are a couple variables that you'll have to watch for. I got to see first hand, on the last system i built(pictured) That I needed to tweak a couple things. Glad its at my buddies house, and I get to start from scratch when he buys me out.
Looking good I've got an 8 pot water farm with 4 ufos temp is in the high 70 to 80 range and it helps a lot. I saw some of ur leaves curling down, had the same issue try raising the ufos a bit. I'm on my 5th week of flowering and thc content is amazing hope all turns out well.


I have tried raising the UFO's, honestly I didn't see a difference in curling leaves. The plants just seem to grow better with close lights. My cfl's are awesome, they are OTT lights 5000K spectrum 23 watt each, they can be touching the plants and not burn at all. you can hold them in your hand at any time and they are just warm, kind of cool but do they work? thats the question I guess.


Well-Known Member
ah ha. Well i just gotta say damn. I finally got those pics for ya, and big bang almost doubled in 3 weeks. i'm gonna medicate here and post up. it appears i tend to get long winded some times. k brb. IMG_1705.jpgIMG_1703.jpgIMG_1700.jpgIMG_1699.jpgIMG_1701.jpgahhhh. so as you can see shes already gotten a lot bigger, but branches are under control. I think that we must have a different pheno, i have broader leaves and less branching. When this one went in it was mmmm.... 5-6 feet from my 1000watter, and in the shadow of those fat ladies there, so could be a little stretchy. You can kind of make out the bud sites beginning, hard to make it out with the light on. Speaking of which, can you send a pic with no lights on just camera flash. I think you may have an elemental deficiency but cant tell, may just be purple. Are you using RO water?

the blooming ones are just in there for fun. Thats a personal hawaiian hybrid strain we have going that has 2/3 weeks left. And these are the best 2 weeks coming up. I checked it out today and all crystal clear triches. Got a little tall and is heat stressin i think. Couldn't tell ya. Like I been sayin bout my partner, were kinda just getting along for now, and then harvest time he'll buy me out, so I don't get over there much. idk ppm, pH, co2 level....just trustin the guy that i always had disagreements with when growing together. To his credit, he taught me, but i feel he stopped learning. If ur readin this pal, sorry. Nugs look good, can't wait to trim. Anyone out there, is it ever to late to LST plants?

Everything else in the 16 site is mostly something different. I got a bunch of clones when i got up here, and am trying to find my good plants to mother right now. Peace out for now man and all followers of this thread.


Honestly don't know how many people are following this thread, but day 23 and all is good for now.

Will post some pics later.

So I have learned during this grow, if you have one of these setups? Hope this is of some help!!!!

-Start your clones\seeds in a cloning chamber, it works much better than trying to start in the actual unit , by far! Let them get 4 inches with roots before putting them in the big machine!

-Keep the top feeders on full blast, all the time they love it I think because the roots are not totally submerged in the water,and the rapid rooters are porous and so are the clay pellets.

-Keep your nutes low the first 2 weeks, until the plants are fairly bushy. 1\2 strength, then when the fan leaves are reaching to fill the unit, you can increase up to 1200 ppm fairly fast, I went up 200-400 ppm every 2-4 days using GH flora nova Grow/Bloom

-Change your water often every 10 days or so.

-Control PH, PPM, Temp...Check everyday PH tends to change fast for me , one day its 7 , the next its 4

-Add some sort of CO2, mine is just Yeast and Sugar, but it works great!

-Add supplemental lighting I use 2-23 watt OTT lights, they are awesome , super low heat, they can be touching the plant with zero concern and I have learned the closer the light the better, not nescisarrily the stronger the light. I tried 2-42 watt cfl's but they were just to hot..Look up OTT lights and buy 2.

-Try and grow only 4-6 plants at most in this unit, its really all it can handle, You will not get 14 to grow so don't even try, just cover up the other holes, so as to keep in the mist from the fogger, and reduce evaporation.

- I am doing 18hrs ON and 6 OFF for lighting.

-KEEP YOUR LIGHTS CLOSE, I meen like touching at times, and just raise them 1-3 inches at a time using a chain system. LED lights and CFL's maybe don't penatrate as far as other lights.

-Trim any fan leaves that are dead, or any other plant matter from the bottom 1\3 of your plant. Only keep the branches that will touch the first 6 inches of the canopy, any other small sprouts in the dark will die anyways, because with the lights that close if you get a canopy like mine, very bushy and full of tops, very little light makes it through the top 6 inches.

-KEEP YOUR UNIT CLEAN, wipe the lights, Spray your LED fan lights with compresed air to blow out dust buildup, claen the inside and outside of the unit with mild bleach solute when you change water, Clean the filters etc, etc.

To sum it up I am getting great results so far with the unit, tones of tops sprouting of each of the 6 plants, while they are just over 1 foot in height. The plants are very bushy and are growing symetrically with the close lighting and nutes at 1200+. The roots are 6-12 inches into the basin and look healthy.

Almost time to Flower!!!!!!!

I don't know if what I am doing is the best method, but seems to be OK so far.

Have a wonderful day ALL.


Well-Known Member
Skunk, nice pics thanks for the update, I am following the big bang with anticipation...
me too. I'm on vacation now. actually stuck in texas overnight on a layover. I need to get a hold of my partner and find out what the hell that big one is in the second row, second to the right. The bigguns should be ready for harvest shortly after I get back. Thats what I'm waiting for. I signed with a dispensary since we talked last, and I'm gonna take the shake and little 'popcorn' buds and roll J's for anyone that comes through the door, as a get to know ur grower, draw some patients and get traffic through the door. But I'll be out of town for a while. I know ya prolly don't need help or questions answered but thats where I'll be. As addicted to RIU as I've gotten figured i'd let ya know. Flowering is the easy part. Nature does all the work, as opposed to clones and seedlings that you have to watch over, foliar spray, hope you trimmed enough fan leaf but not too much. Take it easy man, and every time i check there's like a hundred more people reading this thread! props


They are about 14 inches high, and I don't want to get greedy and run out of space so off to flower we go. I am trying to do, as close as I can, a Lollipop Grow because of the limited light penetration of LED's. It just makes sense, if the buds will be good only on the top 1\3 of the plant, to trim all the rest of the plant off.

So in the pictures, if I took one from under the canopy of the plants you would see no foliage on the bottom 2\3 of the plants. But wow the tops are crazy, growing like wild fire, I have had to trim off lots of huge fan leaves all ready, because they were crowding over the top sprouts.


Thank you kind Sir....I was super skeptical, for sure about LED's,. This is the real test though, Can they produce BUD, that will be the real question.

We will all know in 4 weeks, I sure hope so, this unit coat me $2500!!

I am not complaining, its been super fun so far. Good job by Sunlight Sheds and Great customer service.

I live on the West Coast, and they are in NY...they are always there to answer my ????.


watchers of my Thread


New Member
I for one have no doubts, lumens which are one of the main arguments against them is not a "value" in plant specter, so I´ve even written in other threads that I will build my own LED panels as a second lightsource (when I have the money that is), Penetraqtion isn´t good, but use them right and you got kinda your result ;)


Well-Known Member
whats up man......Hey i just got back from vaca and got a look at your plants last night. I'm thinking you are in the early stages of magnesium def. with the minor yellowing, and leaf curl. Im assuming your nitrogen is at least in balance enough not to cause this, because you're staying on top of your ppm. So, this is an easy fix if you buy a cal/mag product. My fave is earth juice's Microblast. A bottle of it is under $10, and it has cal, mag, iron, manganese, zinc. It may have some beneficial bacteria. I'll have to check on that. I wouldn't worry about yours getting as tall as mine. Damn thing is stretchy. My ex-parter is letting the room get really hot. I'm not even gonna say how hot cause that shits embarrassing. He told me he fixed it too while i was on vacation. But all in all. It started at 1.5 foot approx going in and is now at 4ft, 4 weeks later. Some sweet bud sites tho

edit: should note that in the time it took to respond, you may have fixed the problem. If the top leaves are getting as big and as thick as their lower friends; thats probably not the issue. but the fix won't hurt. I always start half strength in dwc or top feed drip


Yup, welcome back man, its all going good...I will pick up some microblast and try it out....pics later ...maybe tomorrow....they grow like 2 inches a day,...

DAY 36
Height- 18 inches