Dual 90 watt ufo led- first grow ever, big bang


Day 42 its day 4 of flowering

Nutes , gone to GH Floranova Bloom at 800ppm??? Do I still need to add the flower GH flora Nova nutes?

PH 7

Temp 86'

4-23 watt red spectrum cfl's, I find the smaller ones I can get way closer without burning. 270 Watts total with LED's

Took cuttings a couple days ago for next grow. 10

I will post pics tomorrow,

I am giving my clones Bloom at 200 ppm , i don't really know what I am doing as my last attempt at cloning turned out only 6 of 20 lived...I need some help here please?????

Thank you...


Active Member
Day 42 its day 4 of flowering

Nutes , gone to GH Floranova Bloom at 800ppm??? Do I still need to add the flower GH flora Nova nutes?

PH 7

Temp 86'

4-23 watt red spectrum cfl's, I find the smaller ones I can get way closer without burning. 270 Watts total with LED's

Took cuttings a couple days ago for next grow. 10

I will post pics tomorrow,

I am giving my clones Bloom at 200 ppm , i don't really know what I am doing as my last attempt at cloning turned out only 6 of 20 lived...I need some help here please?????

Thank you...
Now that you are blooming, switch over to strictly bloom nutrients.

What is you cloning medium? Do you put them in rockwool, water, soil, etc? I prefer rockwool cubes with Juicey Roots from Advanced Nutrients. I take the 4"x4" cubes and place a cutting into one of each of the 4 corners. Soak the cube in water, poke "guide" holes for the cuttings, squirt a little Juicy Roots into the holes and a little on each of the cuttings and stick them in about 2" deep.

It's the same way they take clones at Oaksterdam Nursery.



Ok thanks I will do it., next time as mine are in the RAPID Rooters allready. I used olivias cloning gel and mist with 200ppm bloom is that ok..or just spray with water?


Active Member
Ok thanks I will do it., next time as mine are in the RAPID Rooters allready. I used olivias cloning gel and mist with 200ppm bloom is that ok..or just spray with water?
I wouldn't mist with a bloom nute. Mist with something beneficial to growth, like a kelp foliar or a very very light ppm of a grow nute. Leaves absorb nutrients in higher concentratins than the roots, so they burn more easily. I say use about 1/4 or 1/3 of the watering recommendation for ppm.


Well-Known Member
The floranova is all you need for the ones you have in bloom, you don't need the regular bloom as well. And you can prolly raise the ppm on that till they're happy. Mine go into flower @ about 1200 ppm using floranova, and finish around 1800 depending on strain. lower that ph. rule of thumb. if your ppm goes down or stays the same while ph is going up. you can add nutes. And remember that when just the tips burn. you're nutes at just the right level. GTG brownies are smellin bout done. mmmm you know their gonna be good when you get medicated off of licking the spoon.


OK, so I NEED HELP!!!!!.....plants are dying off slowly....lost my biggest plant and now the reast are folowing....even though I changed EVERYTHING...cleaned, new nutes, this happened right after switching to flower....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......noooooooooooooooo...ok so pics....the fan leaves are all droopy and dyng......one plant is probably dead.....maybe I can save the other 4....I have never sen any plants dye off so fast in my life...its crazy

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maybe I will flush them for now with plain water??

Going to get a new PH kit as I want to rule this out....

If I flush with water will they be OK?

I can see them flopping over as we speak they are dying in a mater of hours!!!!!!!



2 days ago I lost one....then I changed everything fresh start....now I am losing 3 more rapidly....I didn't change the lights though