Dual 90 watt ufo led- first grow ever, big bang


Oh ya and I think I found the problem....my ph tester was fucked...it was reading the ph as acid...like 4-5....It was actually 6....I bought a new one today....so in actuality I was adjusting my ph way to high before today...bringing it up to 8 becuase of the PH tester I was using.....was reading way low....yikes!!


Well-Known Member
yeah for sure yikes. It had me puzzled. I was going back and forth on this all day. I knew there had to be more than root rot. Cause that stuff has probably been building up for a month now, so for it to knock out plants in a day.....i don't know about that. Good to hear. I was preparing to have a moment of silence for your plants and everything. Hell, i'll burn one in their honor here in a bit anyway. Haven't medicated yet, so I'm gonna go ahead and get to that. ttyl

p.s. anything that slows plant growth is an inhibitor. You've trouble shot a lot of the common ones, but in case this is not your only one.... i think this goes with out saying but keep a close eye on them. Ruling out inhibitors and correcting deficiencies makes us the mad scientists we want to be.


Well-Known Member
damn i didn't see your post right before this one. i thought everything was at least going ok. I would check under the leaves for bugs. It just doesn't make sense. Are you're mothers in the same room? One other thing is the crystals in the drippers is most likely sodium. thats bad. but the dwc is to fix that. oh this gonna bug me all night. If you're mothers are in the same room; we can rule out a virus. That was the way i was leaning if the root rot wasn't it, cause i know of nothing else that wipes out shit in a day. alright man.


anyhow..... i have 8 clones ready to go in...might just put them in and revert the mothers back to veg......


Well-Known Member
tough decision. I prolly would. it takes a while to revert plants back to veg. So you would be looking at about 3 weeks to revert 2 weeks to have rooted clones and another 3 weeks to veg your clones. So you would be at 2 months to have another set of clones ready to flower. I'd prolly get new seeds or clones and start a second strain. This is my fave site.... worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com....

also if you had two strains we might be able to tell what the hell happened. Still baffled here. After smoking one in their honor last night the only thing that came to me was there was possibly a bunch of factors that came crashing down at once. pH, root rot causing nute lock, possible copper deficiency, sodium in the drippers. None of these would cause sudden and unexplained death, except for copper. But idk that's rare. And how the fuck do you explain new growth on a dying plant?????????? Never seen them just lop over and give up like they seemed to. I'd get some new genetics. A beginner friendly strain. Even though i'd say you've earned your stripes through this ordeal.

edit: ah you got ur post up a minute before me. if thats the case then yeah go ahead and revert.


Active Member
Cool grow man. Will be interesting to see how these do wspecially considering they are sativas.


Well-Known Member
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Allright ,... so changed and cleaned everything...AGAIN....getting sick of this.....dont know if its worth the work...looks dim...will they live? we shal see.

once again, I rest my case about using LED's for growing Cannabis.. ;)

they just don't have the lumen output.. when compared to HPS/MH lighting.

Give the LED industry another 5 years.. and then try again. That's my opinion..

Those guys don't look very healthy.. :|

but anyhow, good luck my friend. Your gonna need it.



Well-Known Member
Alright back to square one. I talked to my friend about this. He likes foggers for rooting but once they are big enough to reach water he says remove them. He noticed less growth the nearer to the ionizer you got. He's stumped too btw. I've never liked foggers. I think it was the cause of the outbreak of pythium in the system. Regardless you will want to cover all of the holes and prevent as much light from getting in the res as possible. As long as you know to look for the brown goo you will spot it a mile away. It is the worst thing I've seen as far as ceasing root and plant growth, while having everything else in balance. If you're gonna do DWC, then I would get some beneficial bacteria. The problem with mycorrhizae that i think you will have if you choose to use them for preventative maintenance; is that they colonize on the surface. So these tiny granules release spores which go to the top to colonize. With you drawing water from the bottom to feed the drippers. Idk if it will have any place to inhabit and inoculate. This is something that I have often wondered.


OK so I took em all down...except the mothers, wich for some reason are absolutly fine....got 8 more clones in there....now that I know I have been keeping my PH WAY too high,I think we will see better results....cross my fingers...switched em back to 24 hours of light for know until the clones take, and going to by a timer for my top feeders...should have got this way earlier....live and learn I guess...


Well-Known Member
Hey man.... So i haven't rolled anything up in a bit. Hows your new crop?

Wanted to tell the story of my first stint with root rot. I think its kind of entertaining, but didn't want to get into it when you were having issues. So I had a mother plant that was in a 5 gal bucket and I was doing DWC. I had two airstones in res and 3 3/4" net pot holding her with hydroton. So she just wasn't growing and the new growth that had developed was just yellowish. Couldn't figure it out. But i noticed my water was nasty and I really didn't think too much about it cause my roots looked ok. The root mass was round, pretty much filled the bucket, and was a little bigger than a basketball. So I pulled the lid off the bucket with the 4 foot plant and everything. It was topped 4 times so it was pretty much a bush with a stem bigger than a quarter that was busting the net pot. My point is she was big.

Anyway, I took the lid, plant and all into the bath tub and started to wash out some dead root mass. She had eaten the two airstones. There was a little bit of brown on the roots. At this time i didn't want to do too much damage to the plant so i was being very gentle washing out decaying root mass. Next two days, not much improvement, but also not looking any worse. So I got a little more bold and was pulling dead roots out. Started with the bottom and it was no big deal...they were mostly brown. So I reached my hand up in the mass to find my airstones, found this huge lump that was really compressed, and ripped it out. The roots had spun themselves into a ball about the size of a fist that was tighter than you could possibly replicate. Not even with a vice cause it wasn't crushed; it was just a huge knot. So I took a knife, got my airstone back, and threw out the rest. My nutes were brown, so I didn't put much consideration into the brown color of roots. But after that she quickly regrew some pure white feathery looking roots, and rebounded with incredible new green shoots and fan leaves.

So that was fun. My root rot was locking out nutrients for a while. The whole time I was diagnosing it as N deficiency and throwing more nutes in every couple of days.