Well your thinking has merit to it, after all there is no medium to consider, Remember this is my first shot at this so maybe I am over doing it. (it wont be the first time)
I wont add any sugar, especially at this point. The time frame of the benefits of added sugars are over in my opinion. Besides, My feeling is keep the sugar in the coffee. I mean why bother? I feel the advantages of using it do not out weigh the variables the addition presents. If the amount is not perfect all shit breaks loose. Slow growth, feeds bacteria, lowers Ph, No, you wont see me using it.
I wont add any sugar, especially at this point. The time frame of the benefits of added sugars are over in my opinion. Besides, My feeling is keep the sugar in the coffee. I mean why bother? I feel the advantages of using it do not out weigh the variables the addition presents. If the amount is not perfect all shit breaks loose. Slow growth, feeds bacteria, lowers Ph, No, you wont see me using it.