Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input Integra. As you say pics are relevant to the discussion. No hijack here.

Thats a perfect example of the second method I was referring to. I started doing it that way and I had a couple runts. After that grow I tried going over the screen and when I had a runt I untied it. Again its about control, In a cabinet you do not have any room to waste and it allows me to re-arrange the buds above the screen some when one grows more then another.

Your plants look great man. It will be interesting to see the difference in yield from each side. I got a feeling it will be close.


I tried flipping to 12/12 when the screen was half full, trained for another two weeks while they stretched, then let them go. They grew too tall. I found it best to continue training for a third week in flower.


Well-Known Member
I feel you there. On my small clone side I actually had to train them into the screen for the first 4 weeks. Wasnt expecting that. You make a very good point on the above screen rearranging. When one of my branches gets out of control, i just go under and find that branch, pull it down a little, and tie it to something. It gives me the ability to level the canopy, but not rearrange them to even it out. I might try yours on one plant next round just to see how it goes. I love trying new things out and comparing.


Well-Known Member
With small plants in a confined space like this its almost impossible to keep any humidity in there cause the fans run so often.
I came up with an idea and it works better then my others. Dont laugh till ya tried it.

Yea, I keep the tub filled with about an inch of water.
Once a day I dip the towel, ring it out and hang it back up.

Its only 25% but it stays at 25% I can see the difference in the plants.
I keep a fan on the towel thats powered along with the exhaust fan so when the air is removed humidity is added.
Works for me man.​


Well-Known Member
There ya go, do what ya gotta do! Just a thought - maybe move the towel down a bit, so the end is actually hanging in the water - then it should keep soaking it up on it's own, so you don't have to? I don't know if it would work that way.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Dam good idea.
Maybe the towel will wick up enough and I wont need to dip daily.
I'll try it tonight when I dip I will leave the end in and see if it works.


Well-Known Member
it should wick...same principal with most of the humidifiers on the market. A small fan blowing directly over the tub of water will most likely increase your humidity just as much if not more.


Well-Known Member
Hi Skinny,
Yea I tried that. As a matter of fact the towel is in addition to water in the tub and I got a fan on them. Definitely get more with the towel.


Hi Skinny,
Yea I tried that. As a matter of fact the towel is in addition to water in the tub and I got a fan on them. Definitely get more with the towel.
why not just buy a cheap humidifier 20$ @ wallmart or longs etc


Well-Known Member
Well, that would be too easy.
No, I got one. Thing is it only takes a few minutes and the whole inside of the cab is wet. Even on the low setting it happens. It pissed me off so I tossed it in the shed.


Active Member
why not just buy a cheap humidifier 20$ @ wallmart or longs etc
I picked up one of these on clearance at Target the other day. Supposed to let you set a target humidity and it's for a med sized room so I think it should be good. I'll post back how it performs to compare against cruzer's wick once I get my ventilation sorted.


Well-Known Member
hey cruz you all ways have good ideals that work. good job. hey by the way i updated with new pics.
Actually Doe made my Idea even better by suggesting I leave the end of the towel in the tub. Wicks right up the towel.
I'll call it the gehettofier. :bigjoint: