Dual Survival


Well-Known Member
besides the fact that this show kicks ass, does anyone else get the impression that cody (the hippie dude) is no stranger to psychedlics? seems like a cool dude thats totally enlightened.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Nah Cody prolly trips hard.....that dude knows litteraly every plant species lol He looks a lil stoned in some of the episodes when its nite time LOL


Well-Known Member
Nah Cody prolly trips hard.....that dude knows litteraly every plant species lol He looks a lil stoned in some of the episodes when its nite time LOL
and he mentions weed in one or two of the episodes... when they find the pipe tabacco in the bag, lol think he asks if its weed, lol


Well-Known Member
He's probably tripped on cacti a bunch since he's from arizona. I love the show also. I don't care if they get help from the crew or anything, the show is entertaining.

And my evidence that he for sure smokes pot, or does SOMETHING, is that I've heard him say "buzkill" multiple times. Plus.... just look at him =P


Well-Known Member
right. he was all like "looks like no fun for us in the woods." i bet he would smoke daves ass under the table. imagine the kind of bongs and pipes he could McGuyver up too.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing Cody ate Peyote like candy for while. Great show.

Cody runs a Survival Camp in AZ. Looks interesting.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an interesting show :lol: I must check out. Thanks dudes and dudettez!

You've gotten me in the mood!

j/k I wouldn't hurt those old men..

But I would hurt these:



Well-Known Member
Nah Cody prolly trips hard.....that dude knows litteraly every plant species lol He looks a lil stoned in some of the episodes when its nite time LOL
I have noticed that too on several episodes. I love the show and the fact Cody is a Arizona boy. Yeah Cody's eyes always look glossy and red towards the night time on most episodes.


Well-Known Member
Great show. They could light a bowl anywhere on Earth. Give them a bag of piss and they'll get the job done! ahahah


New Member
I fucking love this show! Look foward to each new episode. I can totslly see cody doing psychedelics like no ones business.

Though i feel hes a tripper who trips every off and on to take it all in. But smoking hmm prob blazes alot


Active Member
Great show, I have been debating about taking in his camp. So if I do I will let you know wether the trip turns into a trip.
I cant get over how he goes barefoot all the time. His feet must be like rock.