Duck foot (mutated 3 leafed weed)


Active Member
I know this thread is a couple months old, but I thought I might be able to add a little more info.

The Professor was pretty accurate about the duck. Webbed trait isolated by Wally from some stuff a guy he knew had (as I recall). Were both webbed and non-webbed phenos. Wally isolated the webbed trait and did wonders with it. Thought to be (speculated) a Hawaiian web crossed to an Aussie sativa. Been inbred further by some folks a few generations and that's pretty much the only commercially available duck right now.

Hard to grow indoors, but it's been done. 10-12 week flower, thin single blades during flower. Takes away from the stealth a bit. Amazing outdoor grower. Will take just about anything you can give her. Good vigor. Flowers good with awesome mold resistance and a strong smell. Loves food and water. A very leafy plant with minimal bag appeal, but a pleasure to both grow and smoke. Definitely not hay. Will put a smile on the face of any experienced smoker, but not overpowering. Great for social stuff or activities.

Currently being worked with by a handful of people, most are adding a bit of indica in her to help with the flowering time, stealth, and flower/leaf ratio. Recessive trait so duck x non-webbed f1 will not show the trait. F2 will show 25% of the time. Pure duck shows 100%.


Active Member
duck foot is usually a strain of cannabis, like you said, doesn't really look like most cannabis due to it's odd leaf shapes.. the 4th pix i think it was showed a good duck foot quality to me although the rest of them looked non duck footed to me.. never heard of a strain going duck footed other than it being duck foot from the start.. there are a few threads on here about the duck foot strain i've seen in the past..
This is correct ^ Some strains will put out single blade leaves directly out of the buds while flowering, not sure about yours though, looks strange :o


New Member
Im from the tropical part of the world. similar to hawaii. Summer all year round. sadly I dont have any pics of any duckfeet. I do but so much bs ertime I try to post. But I have a few growing in my garden. It is a very potent and smelly weed. Some experienced and old growers have it. Im not old but Have been growing for years, the buds are similar to that of an indica, but grow tall like a sativa. Great strain to grow. Must have.


New Member
I know this thread is a couple months old, but I thought I might be able to add a little more info.

The Professor was pretty accurate about the duck. Webbed trait isolated by Wally from some stuff a guy he knew had (as I recall). Were both webbed and non-webbed phenos. Wally isolated the webbed trait and did wonders with it. Thought to be (speculated) a Hawaiian web crossed to an Aussie sativa. Been inbred further by some folks a few generations and that's pretty much the only commercially available duck right now.

Hard to grow indoors, but it's been done. 10-12 week flower, thin single blades during flower. Takes away from the stealth a bit. Amazing outdoor grower. Will take just about anything you can give her. Good vigor. Flowers good with awesome mold resistance and a strong smell. Loves food and water. A very leafy plant with minimal bag appeal, but a pleasure to both grow and smoke. Definitely not hay. Will put a smile on the face of any experienced smoker, but not overpowering. Great for social stuff or activities.

Currently being worked with by a handful of people, most are adding a bit of indica in her to help with the flowering time, stealth, and flower/leaf ratio. Recessive trait so duck x non-webbed f1 will not show the trait. F2 will show 25% of the time. Pure duck shows 100%.
I dont think its a good idea to cross it. The strain already has an indica type of characteristic and grows potent buds. mess with it too much and its ruined. Its famous for its webbed leaf. once that trait is gone its not a duck feet nomore.