

Well-Known Member
Picked up a few baby muscovys this weekend. I was gonna start raising chickens but after some research I found that ducks are an even easier way to go. Duck eggs are much larger than chickens and a well fed Muscovy can lay 15-20 at a time. They absolutely love any bucks they can find especially mosquitoes! ! Anybody else raise ducks for eggs/meat? Any tips for a beginner duck farmer?



Well-Known Member
lol they sure are cute when they are chics but those kinda get big and ugly with the red shit on their face. but hey they arent there to look good right?
i know the asians love those things. they steal them from the lakes and ponds around here in the city and eat them lol. i would personally like to eat and eat the eggs of a chicken rather than a duck but if you like duck then hell ya man. raising and growing your own food is the way to go. my buddy has chickens and they lay eggs every couple days if i remember right. ducks lay 10-15 at a time maybe a few times a year?? not sure about the egg info there, just what ive been told and have seen living on lakes.


Well-Known Member
Muscovies are wonderful, and extremely intelligent. They are good layers, ours laid about 3 eggs a week each year round here in Florida. Watch out for raccoons; they will eat the babies. The eggs are delicious, and muscovies make excellent pets. Their looks may be an acquired taste, but with their great personalities you will see the beauty within!


Well-Known Member
ya im here in florida and hate those things lol. good to know they taste good though! rather some mallards or some wood ducks :)
Duck's stink dude. I know plenty of people that stick with chickens based on that alone. A duck coup is particularly fowl, beyond that of a chicken coup. lol. Duck eggs are great though, and so is duck! If you can put up with it I say do it.

Me personally I would rather have chickens. My plants love chicken doodoo.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I really like duck and fresh duck eggs beat chicken eggs any day in my book. They are hideous looking creatures but oh well they'll look good on the grill lol. Wasn't aware of the stink factor but I have a pretty big lot so it shouldn't be a problem.


Well-Known Member
lol they sure are cute when they are chics but those kinda get big and ugly with the red shit on their face. but hey they arent there to look good right?
i know the asians love those things. they steal them from the lakes and ponds around here in the city and eat them lol. i would personally like to eat and eat the eggs of a chicken rather than a duck but if you like duck then hell ya man. raising and growing your own food is the way to go. my buddy has chickens and they lay eggs every couple days if i remember right. ducks lay 10-15 at a time maybe a few times a year?? not sure about the egg info there, just what ive been told and have seen living on lakes.
Hey, it's the Chinese part, not the Japanese part, not ALL asians(like dog) LOL