Ducting Issues

Green Troll

Active Member
Ok so i scrapped the idea of building my own grow box and opted for a tent. I am glad i did. In minutes it was built, installed the light (mistake, install filter first next time, the light gets in your way) and i installed the duct. Hooked one end to the fan, was a snug fit but perfect, pulled the jubilee clip tight as she would go, job done. Switched her on, stuck my face in the other end of the duct like a child and smiled as it hoovered my face. Switched the fan off.

NOW! Here comes the biggest god damn problem i have ever faced. The end of the filter is just that tiny bit BIGGER than the end on the fan. The fan was a tight bit, but this? This is fucking impossible.

So now i cant finish my set up. This is so annoying to me it is unreal. The duct is acoustic 127mm, RUCK fan 125mm and Rhino filter 125mm.

Is there any tips or tricks to fitting overly small ducting to filters? Anyone else have this problem? Should i be complaining to the supplier of the filter or is there something i have missed? The only thing i can think of is using a slightly smaller tube (god knows where ill find one) and slipping it inside both the filter and duct, and doing it that way. But surely its not designed like that...

Here are some (blurry) pics.IMAG0133.jpgIMAG0134.jpgIMAG0136.jpg

Major props to anyone who can help.


Well-Known Member
ive never had a problem, just work from the far side around to the closer to you side with the wire, once you get the on be ready to tape it.

or you can tape one side on with a 2" piece of tape, then just work the rest of the hose on.

this shouldnt be hard dude, this is the easy part of growing lol


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue with my reducers.. i had to take them off, and put the ducting on the reducers first sitting down because i had to stretch the ducting as straight as possible.


Well-Known Member
ya that dryer ducting shit is just always a pain to attach to thing just keep messing with it slowly and carefully and bit by bit you will get it over

Green Troll

Active Member
I dont want the fan in the grow room as this will eventually be a flower box, and i want all the space i can get in it. Plus the fan is reasonably heavy, and i dont want to collapse my tent. It doesnt directly fit anyway, but yeah, i dont fancy attaching the fan directly to the filter.

I am going to have a play with trimming the duct back a bit. I am thinking perhaps when they cut the duct to size, it pulled the wire a bit tight and this is why it is giving me problems. If that doesnt work, i am going to cut up the side of the duct about 3 inches, and pull the split duct over the can and duct tape that mother =) I dont like to botch anything but if it dont fit, force it! =D

Going to start a Journal now, as this is my first ever grow, and i have planted my seeds =D I shall link it shortly.


Well-Known Member
ya i usually make a little inch slit on one side as well or unravel it so it isnt even and get the longer part on first....