Dude I Love These Girls (hot chicks & bud)

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
want to know if i should watch this movie. my gf is about 6 feet from me right now. will i be safe to watch it?


Well-Known Member
She might get upset. But then who knows maybe she would appreciate it. I don't think my gf would be very approving though.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
is it better than the OP avitar? every time he posts i have to read real quick cuz ive been caught starring at avitar for minutes on end it almost memorizing


Well-Known Member
i couldn't watch the video bc my internet connection blows but I love suicide girls too. They've been around for a LONG time.


Well-Known Member
Haha that blows if your GF's wouldn't approve.

Mine goes down on me while i watch porn 100% of the time to get off.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
That how to roll a joint its in the movie called

suicide girls guide of living -- i downloaded it and watched it crazy awsome sexy movie
lol at the end like 25 + girls get naked and get in the pool:leaf::clap:


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid to even click that link last time I did it was a 400 pound man eating a mango with his shirt off....stonedpony is responsible for that one